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Min Young slowly opens the door and steps through. She looks up to see everyone's eyes on her. She gives them all a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes and closes the door. She moves to stand next to Seokjin needing his support. 

"Seokjin why did you call everyone into the office?" Yoongi asked going straight into it.

"Min Yoongi has something she needs to tell you all," Seokjin replies All eyes in the room immediately land on Min Young. 

Min Young gulps deeply, not liking the attention that is suddenly on her. She looks up at Seokjin and gives him a smile. She looks back at everyone and looks them all in the eyes, looking at Yoongi in his last. While looking at Yoongi so he knew she wasn't lying she blurted out the truth.

"I'm pregnant."

The silence in the room was deafening. Nobody made any sound or movement. But Min Yoongi wasn't aware. She just keeps staring at Yoongi. All at once the room erupts into noise.

People start moving forward and talking all at once. Min Young tore her gaze away from Yoongi when she felt arms circle her. She looks up to find Eun Jung hugging her. She smiles and hugs her best friend who had tears in her eyes and the largest smile Min Young has ever seen on her face. 

She looks over and the rest of the girls immediately place their arms around the two girls as well and turn it into a group hug. Min Young places her head on one of her friends shoulder not caring whose it is and tightened her arms around them all. 

They come out of each others arms and Min Young has to wipe her eyes. She just can't help the tears that begin to pool into her eyes. 

She looks up at the boys. Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung come bounding over and hug her on both sides and her front, giving their congratulations. They let her go and move back to their original positions. Jungkook give her his big signature bunny smile and a thumbs up. Namjoon just smiles at her with a slight nod of his head, his eyes instantly moving back to Yoongi. 

Min Young turns to look at Yoongi again who still hadn't said anything or moved a muscle. She wishes she could read his mind so she would know what is going on inside his head. The whole room falls silent once again as they all wait for Yoongi to say something to the unexpected news.

 "Everyone out. Leave us and do not stand outside the door. Go elsewhere in the house."

Everyone bows and leaves without a fuss. Seokjin looks at Min Young before leaving and gives her another small smile, trying to give her courage. She is grateful for it. She doesn't think this is going to go well in the slightest.

Min Young doesn't say anything. She doesn't know what his mood is and doesn't want to say something that could potentially make him angry. So she just stands there. Not moving from the spot she went to when she came in. She stares down at the floor, knotting her hands together. 

"How far along are you?" Yoongi asks, finally breaking the silence. 

"I'm six weeks along."

"The night of the party."

Min Young doesn't say anything. But really what can she say in this situation. She peeks up at Yoongi from under her eyelashes. She glances at the expression on his face and quickly looks back at the floor. Shit he looks so angry. But is he angry with her or himself?

Suddenly a loud noise echoes in the room. Out of the corner of her eye Min Young sees paper and other objects that were on Yoongi's desk now littering the floor. Well that answers that question.

"How could you be so stupid to allow yourself to get pregnant!" Yoongi shouts at her. 

Min Young whips her head up. "Excuse me!" She exclaims, her own anger coming to the front. "You think I did this on purpose? You think I want to be pregnant at this age? Why am I the one who has to remind you to wear protection? If you kept your jealousy in check we wouldn't be in this state now would we?!" Min Young shouts. her voice becoming louder with each word to the point that she is practically screaming at him.

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