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I startle awake from my peaceful, dreamless sleep due to a loud bang. I sit up in the bed and hear another bang with a load of voices that come from downstairs that fade away as soon as they started. I curl into a ball and begin to wonder what has become of my life. I scared and there is every reason to hide. But wouldn't anyone be if they had pretty much be kidnapped and had no idea what was going to happen to them?

I don't know how long I was curled up for in this ball unable to go back to sleep before I heard footsteps walking to my room. I just stare blankly at the wall feeling nothing when the unknown person opens the door and stands in the door frame.

"Time to come downstairs, dinner is ready."

I just continue staring at the same spot on the wall. Not moving. Not speaking. I don't want to be at the same table as my kidnappers, they disgust me. I hear a sigh before the door closes and more footsteps. I thought they had left....until they walked in front of my vision.

"Did you not hear me? I said dinner is ready."

More silence.

"You would make this more easier on yourself if you just complied and listen you know?"


"You did this to yourself."

I then see him lean forwards. He picks me up and puts me over his shoulder before I can even register what he is doing. Once my mind catches up I start kicking and screaming, feeling angry at him, my emotions finally showing, doing anything and everything I can to make him put me down. But nothing is affecting him. He just carries on walking calmly to wherever he is taking me.

"Put me fucking down right this minute!!! I don't want to eat anything you or anyone else in this house has made. I would rather fucking starve and die. PUT ME DOWN YOU BASTARD!!!!"

Eventually I get put down and swing my hand to slap him round the face. He grabs my wrist and his eyes flash while he grits his teeth in anger. I yank my hand from his grip and give him my own glare. I hear a cough from behind me and turn around to see the others.

"Oh looky here, all my kidnappers in one fucking place. And I'm in the same house as them. Lucky fucking me."

One of them stands up and walks towards me with a nasty look in his eyes. When he reaches me him leans down so he his close to him and eye level.

"You will speak with more respect and less attitude and sarcasm when talking to us, do you understand?"

"Why should I when you kidnapped me and forced me to live here with you?"

"Well I'm sorry then for trying to rescue you from your shitty pathetic little life so you could have a better one. We will send you back to your parents and continue allowing them to beat the living shit out of you until they do some serious damage which could kill you after you have eaten okay?"

I stay quiet not knowing what to say. Of course I don't want to go to them again but I don't want to stay with seven strange men who could do anything they wanted if they put their minds to it. And for all I know they could be worse than my parents but then on the other hand, they could be better and it might not be so bad and I can leave once I have secured enough money to get my own apartment and be able to live on my own and support myself. They might even be able to help a little. While I'm thinking over the pros and cons my thought get interrupted.

"I said okay?"



"I don't want to go back to my parents."

"And why should we keep you here when you act like a little brat?"

"I wont act like that anymore if you allow me to stay here until I can find my own place."

"And how will you earn money?"

"I'll get a job."

He goes quiet and I hold my breath waiting for his answer, hoping he won't kick me out. After a while he gives a nod and tells me to sit down. I let out my breath and sit in the only empty seat. I'm still not hungry though but force a few bites down my throat but it only results in me feeling sick.

I thank them for the meal after a couple of bites and excuse myself and go to my room. My heads a mess. Shit. What if I have put myself in an even worse situation? They could have given me to my parents but then I could have ran away and gone and lived with Eun Jung and her family. I groan in frustration wondering if its too late to change my decision.

(Warning: self harming is mentioned ahead)

I decide to get a shower as I feel dirty and disgusting. I sit on the cold shower floor and run the water hot so it instantly burns my skin and reddens its. I curl up under the spray so it is hitting my back. My arms wrapped around my legs drawing them in and my head rested on my knees. Alone with my thoughts they start to begin to turn to the worse. My thoughts ain't nice and I can't handle them anymore.

I step out the shower and leave it running so no one will interrupt me and stop me from what I'm about to do. I go through the draws and find a razor. I quickly take it out and put it against the inside of my lower arm just below where the elbow joint is. I don't go for the wrist as that's where everyone looks and become suspicious when you hide them but not the inner arm. I start cutting over and over again. The pain helping to numb the thoughts out completely to the point I feel and think nothing at all. I put the razor down when I am completely numb and step back under the water. A thought suddenly pops in my head and I look back at the razor. I'm about to do it when a knock interrupts me.

"Who is it?"

"We need you to come down to the back living room when you are done. We have some things to discuss with you."

"Okay be there shortly."

I quickly finish off showering, dry and get changed into a pair of flannel pajamas and head down to the back living room.

Where my life could change.

For the better or for the worse.

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now