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"How is she doing?"

I looked at Min Young before turning my attention to Seokjin. He looked down at the ground and sighed. He then briefly glanced and Min Young before turning to me.

"She is doing okay so far but she is in a coma. I've managed to fix the broken bones and stitched up any of the serious cuts. The bruises are healing up nicely as well. I have to operate on her though as she had some internal bleeding but for now she is stable. We just need to wait for her to wake up."

"What about the other thing?"

"She isn't pregnant if that is what is worrying you and there was no serious damage just some cuts."

"That's good then. Will she be alright when she wakes up?"

"I don't know. We will just have to see when she does."

I walk over to her and sit in the seat that's beside her bed. I reach my hand out and gently place mine on top of hers. I turn my face up and sit there staring at her, my thumb softly running back and forth over her skin. That's all I can do. I know I have paper work to do and set meetings and things up but...at this moment in time none of that is more important than the female in this bed.

My anger quickly spikes to dangerous level when I remember Min Young down in that basement, all beaten up, bloody and unconscious. I don't feel any remorse for what I did to her parents. As far as I am concerned they are not her parents because true parents would never do to their children what they just did to her. They deserve everything that is going to happen to them.

I look down at the hand I'm covering with my own and my anger just as quickly disappears and changes into regret and sadness. I just wish that I had given the girls body guards to make sure nothing happened to them or at least had some one who could discreetly follow them who would have stopped them from taking her.

Every time I turn my back and then turn around again it seems like someone is either trying to kidnap Min Young or already has. I need to protect her more. I can't lose her again. And I need to tell her how I truly feel.

"Hey Yoongi hyung you coming down?" Jimin pops his head in and gives me a small smile as if he knows just what I'm going through. Well I guess he does. His own girl was kidnapped once. I look to the clock to see that I've been sat here all morning and afternoon.

"Yeah I'll be down shortly." I reply. He just nods at me and disappeared through the door. I appreciate him giving me my space. I'm not in any position to deal with anything or anyone.

I wasn't able to see Min Young when I came home last night as she was being operated on. It took hours and didn't finish until the early hours of the next day. I had to deal with her parents anyway once they woke up. I smile to myself when I remember what I had done to them. Yep they definitely getting the same thing but ten times worse than what they did to Min Young.

A knock sounded on the door and I start to become angry. Damn I said I'd be down shortly. "What?" I shouted out to the person. This time Jungkook puts his head through the door jamb.

"Boss? We were just wondering if you were okay and coming down hyung," he bows his head looking nervous.

"I said that I would be down shortly to Jimin," I say frowning at him.

"Ah it's been nearly an hour since he came up and told you food was ready hyung," he looks up at me, worry and concern showing in his doe eyes.

I rub my face, sighing and look back at Min Young, staring at her for a little while. I give her hand a little squeeze and stand up from my chair. "Lets go Jungkook."

"Yes hyung." As I pass him he puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze as if to say everything is going to be okay.

I look at him and I feel my eyes beginning to fill up with tears just before my vision starts to go wavy. "I'm scared Kookie," I whisper, my voice becoming untrustworthy.

"It's going to be fine hyung. Everything is going to be okay. Min Young is a fighter. She will fight to come back to us. She loves us all so much and won't want to leave us as she knows it will hurt us. She said we are the only true family she has every had and the best. She will not leave us if she can help it. She will fight with every last breath and survive because that's what she is. And plus I heard she has another reason to live anyway."

"What is it?" I look up at him in surprise. All he does is just grin at me, his bunny smile making an appearance and walks off.

"You'll have to ask her yourself hyung!" he shouts over his shoulder. I chuckle and walk after him. I feel better but only slightly. I've decided what I'm going to do and all I can hope is that it won't be too late.

I walk into the kitchen with Jungkook and see that most of the food has been eaten but enough has been left for me.

"Thanks for the food hyung." I say slightly bowing at Seokjin. He has been so busy and I appreciate how much he has done lately.

"It's okay Yoongi. If you want to take it up as well then you can."

"No it's okay hyung. I'll eat it down here," I sit at my usual spot and pick up my chopsticks and begin digging into the food. The room is silent. No one seems to know what to say or if they want to talk. This is the first time the atmosphere has been awkward before.

"Where are the girls?" I ask just to try and break the silence. Plus I didn't see them when I came back from putting those bastards downstairs.

"They went home once we brought Min Young back hyung." Hoseok says.


"They took one look at Min Young when she came through the door and burst into tears. They went up to their rooms, grabbed some stuff and left. They blame themselves for what happened to their friend and want to be with their family."

I pinch the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefinger and let out a long sigh. "They aren't to blame. It's my fault not theirs." I say looking down at my food, not touching it.

"Just tell them please. They also asked if we could let them know when Min Young wakes up."

"Everything is just a mess and joining wrong," I mumble to myself. "Yeah I'll let them know or you can whichever is easiest," I say louder to them.

They all mumble agreements and nodded their heads, going back to the food. The rest of the meal carries on in silence and once people have finished they clean their plates and leave to do whatever they want to do or need to.

I'm the last one to finish eating. I push the food around but don't eat it. I tilt my head up and look out of the window. The sky is really clear. The moon is full and looks really big and bright. The stars are clear and most of them are visible in the cloudless sky. I think of how Min Young would of like looking at it. She loved to be able to see the stars.

I put my chopsticks down and pick up my food, taking it to the trash. I can't eat anymore. I walk slowly down the stairs to the clinic. I make my way down to Min Young's room and eventually see the door. I stop outside of it and put my hand on the handle. My eyes squeeze shut and my head hangs off my shoulders. I take a deep breath and push into the room. I look up at her and see she is still unconscious.

I check the monitors that are surrounding her while I settle myself back into the seat and place my hand on her again. I spend the rest of the night staring at her, regretting what I did and didn't do. If only I had done things differently she wouldn't be in the state and the others wouldn't be worrying about her either. God it's all my fault.

A hand touches my hair and I quickly jerk up.

"Hey sorry I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Min Young," my breath leaving my body.

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now