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The next day Min Young heads to her work place. She drops herself off using a motorbike she found in the garage. It had the keys in it and she told the boys she was taking it.

She parked the bike round the back of the building and sits there for a while thinking over the events since she met BTS. It's gone by quickly and so much has happened. Hopefully life can put the brakes on and it can go peacefully and slowly.

She gets off the bike and takes the keys and the helmet behind the bar. This is where she will be working for the next few days. She begins to serve the few customers that have already arrived even though it is ten am. The dancing however won't start until later that day at six pm.

Throughout the day she watches the people remembering their faces and sometimes starting up a small conversation to get to know them more with the occasional flirting. While she's having these conversations she listens intently in case there might be anything of importance.

At six when the dancers come on stage she would watch how they would dance to draw the crowd in and how they appeared and disappeared from the stage when they started their dance and when it was finished, she saw it to be pretty much the same as her old work place.

I wonder if Jimin owns the one I worked at? I mean JB knows them obviously. I'll have to ask when I get back.

She still keeps serving drinks and listening for any information like she was doing earlier. When she finished for the night she cleaned down the bar, grabbed her helmet and keys, said good night to her co-worker and drove back to the mansion.

Min Young repeated this routine for the next four days. She didn't get any information but she knew some of the regulars and what they wanted to drink.

When she arrives home after the fifth day she heads to one of the dance rooms to practice her dance routine on the pole she had brought in. She walks over to the speakers and plays a slow, seductive song, beginning the routine almost immediately, facing the mirror to begin with. In three days she will start her job as being a dancer on stage.

Once the song ends she stays in her finishing position for a little while, slightly breathing heavily. She starts to hear slow clapping behind her, so she stands up straight and turns to the sound. A slight smile forms on her face when she sees it Jungkook and gives a little bow.

"So what did you think?"

"Amazing actually. Your a lot better than the other girls I've witnessed at our clubs."

"Thank you. That means a lot."

"Have you always wanted to be a dancer?"

"Yeah before I was dragged into this life I wanted to learn dancing as a subject and then when I was older open up my own dance school and teach other kids."

"You would of been successful. Your incredibly talented. Me, Hoseok and Jimin do some dancing as well in our free time."

"Really? Could I possibly watch you the next time you dance please?"

"I'll ask them but I don't see there being a problem."

"Yay! Now did you want something or did you just want to watch me dance?"

"Yoongi asked me to come and get you actually."

"Oh? Does he need something then?"

"Yeah he wants you to come and torture someone we brought in. We are in the room at the end of the corridor on the left side."

At the sound of this Min Young's psychotic side was starting to make her appearance. A sadistic grin made an appearance on her face at the thought of getting her hands bloody and causing someone pain. She giggles and begins to run to the room Jungkook told her, squealing in happiness.

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt