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I don't know how long I have been held captive for but what I do know is that my kidnapper will never be my master even if he forces me to call him it. I only have one true master and I will find him.

My kidnapper changed his plans from turning me into a sex slave to changing me into something else. And all I can say is I love it. I feel so free, so powerful.

I'm currently laying on my bed waiting to see if my master, ew, I really hate calling him that, needs me for anything. That usually how I spend my days, lying in bed or walking around the building trying to make my skills better until he calls for me. Which can sometimes take days. I'm thinking back to how quickly I learnt, apparently it only took me a week or so, when I hear him call for me.

I quickly get up and jog towards his office. I open the door and move to stand in the middle of the room with my arms crossed and my eyebrow raised. God I hate him so much.

"Yes master."

"We have intruders so I need you to do your job."

I give him a slight nod after he gives me more details before walking out of the door, my mind already having worked out a plan for how I'm going to get out of here. All I have to do is keep the intruders safe and gather them together if they are separate which they most likely are and then lead them towards his office. I giggle in a childlike way as I begin to get on with my plan. I'll be free oh so quickly. I melt into the shadows and make my way around the building trying to find the intruders.

I make my way to the top first. He told me some had come in through the roof and I'd rather help those on the top floor because they have less chances of being able to escape than those on the bottom. I quickly make my way up the stairs and towards the gun shoots, keeping my body pressed flat against the wall.

I was about to fire some shots when I see who one of the intruders are


I stand there with my mouth open not believing my eyes. Mark from the group Got7 is here. My mind begins to turn.

So if Mark is here that must mean the rest of Got7 is here. But why are they here? Unless they are trying to save me. Which would mean that Monsta X is most likely here and so is BTS probably.

I'm so wrapped in my thoughts that I forgot about everything around me until I realise it's silent and there are just dead bodies laying on the floor. I quickly look around trying to find one of the members again to see Mark and Jackson slowing walking down the stairs.

Looks like there is a change of plan because I call out to them from the shadows. They spin around quickly trying to find where the voice came from when I put my hands up and step out of the shadows. They slightly lower their weapons and stare at me with a shocked expression before running towards me and giving the tightest hug. I giggle and give them both a hug back.

"Oh my god! Are you alright Min Young?!"

I giggle at Mark's question seeing how he looks so concerned.

"I'm fine I promise they didn't harm me in any way."

"But what are you doing wandering around? Surely you should be locked in a cell or something?" Jackson asks.

"They did at first but then they started to allow me out for certain reasons. Now I'll answer everything when we get back to the mansion. I'll help you with the men here and gather everyone else. Tell them to meet you on the second floor near the stairwell okay?"

"Okay we will do that. Should we go there now then as well?" Mark asks me this time.

"Yes. Do you have a spare earpiece so you can tell me when everyone has gathered? I'll go around the building and kill as many men as I can find just make sure the other two groups are with you."

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now