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Min Young was relaxing in Yoongi's bed. The sun was streaming in from the window, soft and warm. She was on her back, her hand tracing soft circles on her stomach, the other hand above her head.

She was thinking of what is growing inside her. The shock of finding out quickly disappeared and joy fused her features, happy tears pouring out of her eyes.

Min Young smiles as she remembers how Yoongi's reaction to the news. Shock, surprise, then joy, fear, happiness played across his face one after the other. Finally a look showed in his eyes.

Love, warmth and what looked to be hope showed through. He quickly strode over to Min Young, picked her up and spun her around in his arms. Joy and laughter burst out of Min Young, unable to hold it in. He placed her feet on the ground and kissed the living daylights out of her until she was dizzy.

Min Young knows that moment will forever be etched into her memories. Everytime she remembers Yoongi's reaction her heart swells and warms with joy.

A knock sounds on the door and Yoongi walks in holding a tray full of food and a drink. Min Young sits up and leans against the pillows and the headboard.

"Good morning precious. Did you sleep well?" Yoongi asks placing the tray on the bedside table and sitting on the edge of the bed. His hand comes up to smooth some of her hair before moving down to cup her cheek.

Min Young nuzzles into his palm, a soft sigh escaping.

"Yes I did thank you. What about you?"

"Yeah it was perfect. Have you been sick yet?"

"No. Apparently it clears up around the sixteen to twenty week mark so its nothing to worry about."

"Ok that's good. Want me to put your breakfast on the bed?"


Min Young stops talking, a look of surprise and shock coming over her.

"Baby what's wrong?"

Min Young lifts the bed covers and looks down her body. She lowers them back down.

"I think my water just broke."

Min Young let's out a gasp as the first contraction hits her hard. She places her hands on her stomach and pulls her legs up. Her breath coming out in harsh, short puffs, trying to ride through the immense pain emanating from her womb.

Through the pain, Min Young can barely hear Yoongi bellowing for Seokjin. A hand lands on her back and makes soothing circles on her spine.

"It's ok baby. Just breathe through it. Seokjin's coming."

Someone opens the door and comes striding in.

"What's up bo- oh shit."

"We got to get her to the hospital now."

"Do you have her overnight bag?"

"Yeah it's in the cupboard."

"Bring it and take it to the car."

Seokjin walks over to Min Young and gently helps her out of the bed.

"On three I'm going to pull you off the bed Ok?"

Min Young nods her head. The contractions have stopped but she is still trying to calm her breathing down. 

"One... two... three."

Seokjin pulls Min Young up from the bed quickly but softly. Min Young stands still for a moment. Its just the first contraction and she already feels like shit. Forget the pain from past events. Jesus Christ this is so much worst. Sweat is already beginning to form. They need to get to hospital soon. 

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant