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"What the fuck do you mean she has disappeared!" Yoongi shouted down the phone.

"She said she needed the toilet so we waited outside for her. She started to take too long so I went in to see if she was alright and she wasn't there."

"One of you should of gone in with her!"

"Sorry boss. We thought she would of been alright by herself."

"Did none of you see her walk out?"

"No we were helping an elderly female who had been knocked over and her shopping had spewed out all over the floor."

"For gods sake, can we never have any fucking peace!"

"We will find her boss, don't worry."

"You better do!" 

Yoongi hung up and launched the phone across the wall, growling loudly. He slumped into his chair and placed his head in his hands. He should never have let them go out without more protection, especially Min Young. For fuck sake, a kidnap attempt was recently put on her.

A knock sounds out on the door and Yoongi calls out.

"Boss we just heard about what happened with Min Young. Want me to hack in to the security camera's at the shopping centre and see if I can find anything?"

"Yes. Get on that instantly Taehyung. I want her found."

"Got it boss."

The door closes and Yoongi is left with his thoughts. He wished he had told Min Young about his feelings. One of these days she is going to be kidnapped and she is going to die before they can rescue her and he wished she knew how he truly felt about her. Even if she didn't feel the same way. 

"Hey boss can I come in?"

Yoongi looks at the clock on his wall to see forty-five minutes had passed.

"Yeah you can come in. What you got for me Tae. And it better be good news."

"I'm sorry sir but the camera's are showing nothing but black like someone had cut the power or something."

Yoongi stood up abruptly and threw his chair across the room, hitting the wall. Taehyung ducked out of the room as soon as he saw the chair coming his way. 

"We will get her back boss. I promise."

"Just get out."

Yoongi walked over the window and stared out of it, hearing the door close. He placed his hands on the window sill and leaned into his arms, his head dropping onto his chest. 

"Where are you now Min Young? God I hope your okay and not suffering again. I will come and free you." 

2 Months Later

"Have we got anything new to report?"

"No unfortunately not boss. It's like she just disappeared from the face of the Earth."

"No one has heard anything about her being kidnapped? Surely with everyone knowing about her and seeming to want her, someone should have heard about it."

"You would think so but there hasn't been anything."

"God damn it. Where are her friends?"

"They are just outside."

"Bring them in."

Namjoon nodded at Seokjin to open the door. He gestured for them to come in. They hesitantly walked in and stood in the centre of the room facing Yoongi. 

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