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"But if she is psychotic surely there would of been a hint of it there? Right?" Mia asked the question before they all look at me.

"Guess I had better tell my story then."


Even though I was only a kid I was fascinated by pain and how much someone can handle. At first I never liked pain but then the more often I got hit the more I liked it and would taunt anyone who hit me. Well apart from my parents. I stayed quiet when it was them because I wanted them to leave quickly and the taunting would have made them hit me longer no doubt.

Then the whole being given to someone to pay off my parents drug debt happened and all I wanted to do was torture them and dismember them. I was shocked at the urge I was having but wasn't all that surprised either.

The man told me what had happened and why he asked me to work for him. He was upfront and told me the truth and so I agreed. I began to work mainly during the holidays and the weekends and would sometimes do a day during the week if one of the normal workers couldn't do the shift. However, I never started with the dancing. Because of my age my boss started me out with just helping the other dancers, getting the place set up, cleaning when the night was over and helping collect glasses from tables or grabbing more alcohol from the basement when it had ran out behind the bar.

The weird thing though was I never hated the position I was forced into. For some reason I was really happy. Obviously I wanted to dance but I'm happy not dancing in front of a bunch of old men that probably wouldn't hesitate to touch me. That thought does send shivers down my body.

Once I turned sixteen my boss started showing me the ropes of being a dancer. He said he would send me on a two year training for how to dance on the stage as well as makeup training and how to dance in heels. And once I was eighteen I was put on stage and well...danced.

One day though when I was fifteen, I was in the alley having a break. I normally went outside due to the heat inside. I was just resting against the wall when I could hear struggles. I turned my head and walked towards the sound. I could just make put two figures, one a male and the other a female. The male was pinning the woman against the wall with his hand over her mouth. The fear evident on her face and tears down her cheeks.

And something inside of me just snapped.

I felt so much anger that this girl was being held against her will and probably about to be forced to do something she didn't want to do. I felt something come over me. It was like a calm. I was steady, breathing normally. I picked up a piece of glass on the floor and slowly walked up behind the man. And I stabbed him in the back with the sharpest point.

Obviously he screamed and turned out to face me. The woman ran away not looking behind her or thanking me for helping. I just stood there with the glass by my side looking up at the man. He started shouting and came for my throat. I let him choke me before I slit the glass across his stomach. He pulls away from me, stumbling back from the pain and tried to stop the blood coming out with his hands. I punched him across the face so he landed on the floor. I pinned his arms to the side of his body with my knees straddling him across his stomach. So he couldn't escape. I then pressed my finger against his lips to stop him crying out and screaming more which turned into whimpers and begs quietly for me to let him go. I softly place the glass against his skin and trail it lightly across his face my eyes follow the glass. I place the piece of glass against his neck and look into his eyes, a grin slowing creeping onto my face before I slit his throat.

I watch as his eyes roll into the back of his head, his body spasming and the blood quickly flowing out. I giggle quietly and stand up then crouch down beside him. I look down his body, the glass cutting down from his chest to his navel. And I begin my first disembowlment ever.

I turn away once I'm done and head back into the club with the glass in my hand. I walk towards the toilets and place the glass in the bin and wash the blood off my hands.

After that I never killed again as I feared getting caught as I didn't have any training in how to hide myself. After that I just worked at my job, danced, went to school, hung out with my friends and got abused at home mentally and physically which lead to my starting to self harm. I couldn't stand the hateful, hurtful words my parents said to me. I didn't mind the physical but the mental was the worse.

"And then I met the guys. They took me in and then I got kidnapped."

My kidnapper brought me out of my holding cell what felt like 3 days after I first woke up in there. He lead me to a room with guns and knives. He told me that instead of making me in a sex slave like he originally planned, he was going to turn me into a killer, an assassin. He trained me against his best men, taught me how to shoot, how to fight, how to hide in the shadows, how to get around unnoticed, unseen and unheard. He taught me how to bring the most pain out of someone's body without actually killing them. He brought out my inner darkness.

Because of how gruesome I could be as well and because his men ended up fearing me they started to call me Demoness. They said that the devil hides in me and shit. They said I was fully crazy and psychotic and I enjoy my new side.

"Then the boys came and rescued me and the rest as they say is history."

I sit on the sofa in the silence waiting for someone to speak. I hear a chuckle come from my left and turn my head to see it was Namjoon.

"Guess we no longer have to hide now."

"Hide? What do you mean hide?" I asked confusion. What does hiding have to do with my past?

"We didn't want to tell you something incase it scared you and you tried running away."

"Yoongi what is Namjoon talking about?"

I sit and look at Yoongi with a frown etched onto my face. I'm so confused and want an explanation but Yoongi just remains sitting there quiet as a mouse, still as a statue. I roll my eyes and go back to eating my food. Once everyone has finished me and Seokjin take all the plates back to the kitchen. My girls shoo us out though saying they will clean up. When I go back into the living room I see that Got7 and Monsta X have cleared the room and it's just me and BTS.

We sit in silence watching a movie on the tv, me sitting on the floor between the sofa and the table with Jimin behind me playing with my hair and the others either sitting or laying on the couch around me, when Yoongi suddenly speaks up.

"We are killers ourselves and we are known to be psychotic as well."

I turn to look at him and see him staring at me with a neutral face.

"Okay. Thank you for telling me," I said, a thoughtful look on my face. I can understand why they didn't tell me. I probably wouldn't have took it well before my kidnapping and most definitely would have tried to escape. 

"What do we do now boss?" Taehyung speaks up from next to Jimin.

"If she wants to, we bring her into our world more. She still works at the club but she comes along with us to missions. Min Young, would you want to do that?"

I don't even hesitate to nod my head and say that I would. We ignore the rest of the film and don't bother to change it when it has ended, just letting it replay again as we begin to discuss what my role would be and when we split in pairs, who my partner would be. I feel excited to be a part of the mafia not just only being on the side collecting bits of information maybe once every couple of months or so. This way I can be more active.

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon