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Min Young wakes up sweating and breathing heavily. Her heart is pounding like crazy against her ribs. She clutches her heart against her chest and takes deep breaths to calm herself down. 

She looks towards the window to see the sun streaming through. As she looks out she wishes it was winter. She loves the snow. How pure the world looks covered in a white blanket. She looks at the space next to her to see it is empty. 

Did she dream what happened last night? 

Before she can even think more about that she throws the covers off and rushes to the toilet. Why do pregnant women have to throw up?! It hurts so much! Min Young chokes and gags at the burning in the back of her throat. 

After brushing her teeth, washing her face and getting dressed she heads downstairs to see where all the boys are. She heads to the kitchen to find them all there eating already. 

As soon as she comes into view everyone turns to look at her. She bites her lip feeling nervous and embarrassed for some reason. 

"Hi," She says quietly giving them a small chest high wave. 

She watches as Yoongi stands up from his seat at the head of the table and walks around it, making his way towards her. 

He stands in front of her and Min Young tilts her head up to look at him. As soon as she does, Yoongi places one of hand on her cheek, his thumb gently caressing her skin. He leans down and places a soft kiss on her forehand. She gazes at him with adoration in her eyes.

"How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?" He asks.

"I'm good. I slept really well thank you. How about you?" Min Young keeps quiet about the nightmare not wanting to talk about it and have anyone worrying again. 

"Sleep better than any other time," He replies a grin spreading across his face. The smile falls away and his gaze moves from her face to down her body. 

Min Young frowns at the sudden change in facial expression. She is just about to ask him what is wrong when she feels his warm hand resting against her lower stomach. 

Her eyes begin to sting at the emotions she is seeing on his face as soon as he touched her. So much joy and excitement. But most importantly the love there scorched her. He really was happy about having this child. 

She places her own hand over his and gives it a slight squeeze. He looks up into her eyes and gives her a very boyish grin. He leans down and places his forehand against hers. Min Young closes her eyes and smiles. She first for the first time in a long time that the future is shaping up to be a bright one. 

As they stand in that position they hear a cough behind Yoongi. They break apart and turn towards the sound. All the rest of the boys are sitting there staring at them. 

"Are we going to eat or you going to just stand there being cute and put me off my food," Taehyung says with a smile. 

Min Young let's out a little giggle and Yoongi grabs her hand let is still overing his on her stomach and pulls her towards the table. She sits down next to him, even though this isn't her usual table. She use to sit in between Jimin and Hoseok.

"I'm you both made up hyung", Jungkook says from the other end of the table. 

"Me too. I didn't like the fact that we had an argument and were angry with each other," Min Young said and smiles at Yoongi. He smiles by, his eyes warm and soft. 

After that they tuck into the meal Seokjin had made for them before it got cold. They swung into an easy conversation while they ate and it wasn't long before they were all laughing and in pain. Jimin as usual had fallen off his seat multiple time which causes more laughter from everyone, tears streaming down their faces. 

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