Prologue: The past

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Min Young was sat in her bedroom like any 13 year old listening to music and doing her homework. She was feeling calm and happy. Something she hasn't felt in a long time. Though it's what she wished she could feel for the rest of her life. But it was all going to be shattered. And her life would change.

Min Young was nearly finished with her history homework. She liked history. She liked to gather and collect information and then put her own theory on what happened on certain topics.

Min Young get down here now!!

Coming mom!

After sighing to herself, she put her stuff down on her bed and walked down the stairs. As she was making her way down, she could hear a different voice, a male voice, murmuring in the living room. She turned into the living room to be met with two strange men.

Ah Min Young meet Mr. Lim.

The strange man got off the sofa. He was a good looking man. He looked to be in his late 20s early 30s. He had piercing blue eyes and soft looking brown hair. He was dressed in a sharp looking blue suit that brought the colour of his eyes out.

Pleased to meet you Mr. Lim.

Min Young bowed to him. When she straightened back up he was wearing a slight smile and was gazing intently at her.

Please just call me JB and the pleasure is all mine. Your parents tell me you like dancing.

Yes sir. I try to make my own choreography to any type of music although it's not always good.

Min Young looks at the floor. She felt embarrassed talking to a stranger and telling him this. She was beginning to wonder why this man was here and why she was called to see him.

After a while of silence the man spoke again.

If you don't mind and you don't feel too shy could it be possible that I see one of your dances please.

She looks up quickly at the man with her mouth hanging open not believing he wanted to see her dance. She was becoming increasing confused and scared. Gulping she saw her parents faces, their expressions daring her to disobey and say no to the man. She internally sighed.

Okay. I'll just go and get my phone for the song.

The man nodded and walked to the sofa and sat back down while she rush up the stairs to her bedroom to retrieve her phone.

She went downstairs just as quickly not wanting the man to wait and for her parents to become angry. She got the song on she wanted and got into position. It was her favourite song and choreography. One she went to when she was feeling especially down.

*Please note: it's just the first dance to watch not any of the others that come after. Thank you :)*

After Min Young was finished she looked at the man who seemed to be impressed and was nodding.

That was excellent. You really are an incredible dancer. Do you want to be a dancer when you are older.

Yes sir. I dream of opening up a dance studio and teaching people.

After she answered the man's question, Min Young's parents told her to go back upstairs. She bowed to everyone in the room and quickly left.

She was sitting on her bed just staring at the wall when she heard another shout from downstairs. She rushed downstairs to be met with the man. He pulled her into the kitchen.

How would you feel about working for me. You would be dancing and in front of an audience.

Wait you want me!? But aren't I too young.

The man sighs and looks at the floor before looking back up at her.

Do you want the truth?

Min Young nods feeling suspicious and frightened. As the man tells hers the truth all she can do is stand there with wide eyes.

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