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Min Young wakes up to a feeling of extreme heat. She blinks her eyes open to find Yoongi wrapped around her. She is laying on her back while Yoongi has his head on her chest, his body laying between her legs, his arms wrapped around her waist tightly, soft snores escaping from between his slightly parted lips.

Min Young smiles at the site and the delicious pain she feels from between her legs from last nights play. She doesn't know what time she feel asleep at. All she knows is that, after going for multiples time that she lost count, her eyes slammed shut of their own accord. 

She gently plays with the ends of Yoongi hair not wanting to disturb him from his peaceful slumber. While she lays there in the silence all the memories since she first met Yoongi and the rest of the boys play in her mind. 

Yes not all the memories are good but knowing that she wouldn't change any of it if it meant that was the only way she would end up here. Right here with the love of her life wrapped around her and their child growing inside of her. 

She feels Yoongi move against her and his arms tighten around her. She pauses, her hand mid-stroke, waiting to see if he settles back down or wakes up. She looks down to see eyes staring up at her.


"Morning. Did you have a good sleep? Am I too heavy? I'm not hurting the baby am I?"

Min Young smiles at the questions. Of course the first thing he does when he wakes up is to check if she and the baby are fine. God but can he get anymore perfect? 

"We are doing just fine and yes I slept very well thank you. How about you?."

"Good I don't want to hurt you. Yes I had a good sleep. I always sleep better when I'm holding onto you."

Yoongi rolls over onto his side and Min Young follows so she is facing him. She smiles at him as she watches him rubbing the last traces of sleep out of his eyes and runs a hand through his bed hair. 

Yoongi stops as he catches Min Young staring at him and gives her a grin. "What?"

"Nothing just admiring how hot you look first thing in the morning"

The grin spreads across his face and he leans towards her.

"Oh really? I look hot do I?

"Hmm you look edible."

Yoongi closes the distance and kisses the daylights out of her. She moans into the kiss, loving the feel of his lips against her. She feels Yoongi move to hover over her and she turns to the side to lay on her back. 

She lets out a small whimper as she feels him keep moving onto her other side and then disconnects from her. He sends her a teasing grin. Min Young narrows her eyes at him, wanting him back on top of her.

"Come on get up. We can't stay in bed all day."

Min Young lets out a small huff at his teasing. God damn it but she was getting excited then. "I wish we could stay in bed."

Yoongi laughs out loud and makes his way into the bathroom to get ready. Min Young stays on her back enjoying the view of Yoongi's back. 

Time skip 

"Hey Minnie when is your hospital appointment?"

Min Young looks up from drawing to see Ara and Mia sitting on the sofa next to her. 

"It's in about five weeks why?"

"We were wondering if you were going to find out the gender of the baby then."

"Oh. No I don't want to find out until either the baby shower."

"Perfect. We wanted to do something but couldn't if you wanted to find out at your next appointment."

"How are you going to find out? Your not coming with me."

"Is Seokjinnie going with you?"

"Yeah he is. He has to so he can know how to help me."

"Okay tell the doctor to tell Seokjinnie privately so he can tell us and we can prepare everything."

"Okay. Highly confused but I'll do what you ask. Just please don't do anything stupid."

"Us? Do something stupid?"

Min Young throws them both a look and they grin back at her, understanding perfectly what she is implying.

"Okay well now that's all sorted we shall leave you to your drawing."

Ara and Mia make their way out of the room, leaving Min Young by herself with the silence and confusion and suspicion etched on her face. She shakes her head, not even wanting to try and think about what they have planned. She can always kick their ass for it if anything bad happens. 

Min Young looks down at the drawing she has been doing since she finished breakfast. It's a largish pencil drawing about A3 sized. The drawing is of a man looking off to the side. His eyes are facing upwards. The tips of his hair falling into his eyes. A soft private smile is playing at the edge of his mouth. 

Anyone can clearly see that the man being portrayed is Yoongi. She hasn't even tried to hide who it is. But why should she? She is proud to let everyone know he is hers just like she is his. 

She makes the final touches on the drawing and looks at the finished overall look with pride and satisfaction. But now she doesn't know what to do with the drawing. Should she keep it? Bin it? Gift it to Yoongi?

Wait no that may be a bit weird giving him a drawing of himself.  Min Young wonders what she should do but finally deciding to just put it at the back of her pad until she has a better idea.

She places her pencils in the correct order in their container and places them in her art bag. She grabs her sketch book and her art bag and heads upstairs to place them away. 

Has she is about to tell towards the corridor for her bedroom she heads giggling and hushed words coming from a different directions. She tiptoes towards the noise and peaks around the corner. She sees Hyun and Jungkook. Hyun is against the wall gazing up at Jungkook, her arms around his neck. He has his hands on her waist and looks down at her. They both look so in love with each other and happy.

Min Young quietly moves away from the scene not wanting to disturb them from their bubble. She walks towards her bedroom, a smile on her face. She is happy her friends have all found someone who will love them, protect them, care for them, be kind to them. 

Everything happens for a reason. Whether its because, like some people think, God has our future already set out for us or because the universe makes sure we get where we need to go and the lessons we need to learn. But one thing is for sure. She is meant to be right here. In this very house, surrounded by the family she was meant to find and have. 

Of that she is absolutely positive. 

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now