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"Hey Jinnie. You finished yet?! Me and Mark are waiting here!" 

Min Young was by the door with Mark, impatiently tapping her foot on the floor, her arms crossed over her chest, waiting for Seokjin to tear himself out of his boyfriends arms so they can go do what they need to do. 

Min Young was nervous as hell for the appointment and Seokjin keeping them waiting was so not helping her nerves in the slightest. She was so jumpy and twitching, it looked like she had downed twenty cups of coffee, one after the other.

Min Young jumped when she felt a hand touch her arm. Yep she nerves at shot to hell. She turned her head to see Mark giving her an encouraging and comforting smile. She places her own hand onto of his and gives it a light squeeze, returning the smile back to him. Seokjin joins them at that point and gives Min Young a smile of his own.

"We all ready to go then?" He asks them.

Min Young lets out a unladylike snort at his question. "Bitch we've been waiting for you to get your tongue out from down your boyfriends throat," Min Young says glaring at him.

Seokjin just sticks his tongue out her and walks past her and opens the door. "What jealous because Yoongi won't do the same to you?" 

Min Young doesn't reply and just rolls her eyes behind his back. Why did it have to be Seokjin who is the in-house doctor. She walks out the door when Mark waves her through like the gentleman he is. 

She makes her way over to Seokjin's car. It looks the same as when she first saw it outside the hospital. The day of her release, when she first came here. 

The Porsche is a gun metal grey. And if she remembers correctly is a Porsche Cayman GT4. it has over 300 horsepower and it's top speed is nearly 190 miles per hour. Oh yeah, Min Young thinks. This is one sexy car. She runs her hand lightly over the hood, smiling at the sight of the car. God she always wanted one of these. She didn't really know much about sport cars but one day she saw this and fell in love instantly. 

Min Young stops suddenly. Wait a minute. No it can't be can it?

She retraces her steps and walks backwards to the front of the car. She looks down at the number plate. WWJIN 92.

Min Young freezes as she sees her suspicions being confirmed. Fuck it is him. She wasn't sure and didn't know how to bring it up. But she knew she was correct and it was. She tilts her head back up and looks at Seokjin through the windscreen. 

Seokjin doesn't know what to think as he watches Min Young stare at him. What the hell is going on? He frowns at her actions. He pulls the dpor lever and opens the door, stepping out. 

"Min Young what's wrong?" He askes one hand on top of the door, the other resting on the roof of the car. 

"It's you," She whispers. So many emotions are going through her. How did she not recognise him? How did he not recognise her? But there again it was so many years ago. Of course he wouldn't. Happiness, anger, joy, sadness. 

Seokjin's frown deepens even more. He looks at Mark who looks just as confused by Min Young words as he is. "What do you mean it's me?"

"You don't remember do you?"

"Remember what?"

Min Young lets out a sad sigh but a smile also begins to creep onto her face as she remembers that night.

"We've met once before Jinnie. I didn't remember the day you picked me up from the hospital because I was so scared about coming to live with you all. So many other things were going through my mind that the sight of both you and the car didn't register in my mind. But one night when I was younger, I was walking along around the streets. I wasn't really watching where I was walking. My parents had been heavily drugged up that evening. I decided that I would go for a walk. I didn't want to be in the same house as them as they became more abusive when they had drugs in their system. I think I was only about ten at the time. Anyway, it had started to rain heavily. I didn't think to bring a coat with me when I left the house so I was soaked to the bone in a couple of minutes. I remember was I passing a bar when a hand grabbed my upper arm. Someone was pulling me down the street and into an alley. I don't know what he looked like because I was too busy trying to get out of his grip. The next thing I know the man is on the ground in front of me. Another person knelt in front of me and placed a hand on my shoulder. His other hand was cupping the side of my head, and he asked if I was alright. That person was-"

"Me," Seokjin said, understanding what she was saying. Recognition began to fill his eyes as he remembered the same night. Remembered seeing a young girl being dragged down into an alley, her straining to get her arm out of his grip so she could run away. Anger boiling up and out of him that he reacted instantly. Knocking the guy flat to the ground, unconscious. Turning to ask the girl if she was okay. Taking her to get some ice-cream and drop her off at her friends house. 

Seokjin closes the door and walks towards Min Young. Without thinking he placed his hands on her head and shoulder just like he did then. Tear began to fill his eyes. "I thought of you so often since that night. Worried that you were okay. Wanting to know why you were out so late and in such a bad part of town. I-" Seokjin chokes on his tears. He pulls Min Young to him tightly and hugged her like she was something precious to him. He rested his cheek on top of her head. A single tear rolled down his face onto her hair. 

They stand there in front of the car, tears streaming down both their faces, each remembering that night that could of ended so badly. Now here they are. Years later he is holding that same child who is now an adult, pregnant in his arms. Safe. Happy. And at the moment that's all that matters.

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