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*six weeks later*

It has been six weeks since the night of the party and the best night of sex Min Young ever had. Even now she can still feel the bite of the chains around her limbs. She smiles and rubs her wrist in sweet pleasant memory. 

She lounges in bed. She doesn't have the energy to leave her comfortable, warm bed. Min Young turns her head to the side to look at her alarm clock. Eight in the morning. This is too early. If only a lie in was possible. She has to prepare to get ready for work. 

She sits up and throws the covers back off her body. She slides off the bed and makes her way towards the bedroom. As soon as she walks she begins to feel sick. She rushed into the bathroom and to the toilet. She quickly throws the toilet sit up and leans over the bowl.

Quickly everything in her stomach makes its way up her throat and out of her mouth. Fuck, it burns so much. Her esophagus feels likes acid has been poured down it. It's burning. She gags again and more comes up. Tears are pooling in her eyes, some escaping and running down her cheeks. 

She moans slightly at the pain and throws up a third time. She has been throwing up recently. She must be coming down with an illness or a stomach bug. Or she just ate something bad. She leans her head on her arm on the edge of the bowl. She feels really hot. 

She leans over and flushes the toilet. She replaces the toilet seat and sits down on top of it. Leaning forwards she rests her head in her hands trying not to focus on the acidic taste and burning sensation in the back of her throat. 

When she feels ready she stands up and grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste. She applies more than she usually would to the brush and begins to erase the taste of vomit from her mouth. She vigorously brushes her teeth, trying to get every single inch cleaned. She leans over the sink to spit the paste out of her mouth. As she straightens herself back up something catches her eye in the mirror. 

She looks and a frown creases her forehead. There's something about it but she can't quite figure out what is bothering her. She turns around the fully face the object. As she continues to puzzle over the object she leans back against the sink and carries on brushing her teeth. 

All of a sudden. Min Young stops brushing. It can't be. Her mind is racing. The thought that wouldn't come instantly dropping into her mind. Her eyes widen at the sudden realisation. The truth hitting her. 

"Fuck," She whispers softly to herself not wanting to believe the sudden thought in her mind. 

She drops the toothbrush in the sink and quickly gets rid of the toothpaste in and around her mouth. Once cleaned of that she rushes out of the bedroom, flinging her door open that hard it bangs against the wall, causing it to slam shut behind her. 

She rushes down the hallway heading towards the stairs. Please be here. Please don't be gone. She rushes down the stairs, almost falling head over heels in her attempt to get down them at lightening speed. Once she hits the bottom she slightly skids as she tries to change her direction. In record time she reaches the kitchen.

"Shit. No." 

Her eyes race around the empty kitchen. There is no food on the table. No pots and pans laying about the countertops or the stove. Where to now? As soon as the question enters her mind she spins on her heels and rushed back to the stairs.

"Min Young what was that bang and why are you running?" Someone shouts from the living room doorway but Min Young is in too much of a rush and a panic to stop and answer the question. At the top she races down the corridor. This is the only place. At the time of day this has to be the correct place. Min Young reaches the correct door and without knocking, she runs into the bedroom. 

"Seokjin I need yo-," Min Young stops mid speech and mid stride. Her mouth drops open at the sight in front of her. Okay now would be a good time to get the hell out of there. But she is rooted to the floor. All this time and she never knew. 

Namjoon lifts his head up and stares at Min Young's intrusion shocked. Seokjin laying underneath him lifts his head up slightly to see who stormed into his bedroom. A frustrated look on his face, his mouth opening to begin shouting at the person until he sees who it is.

"Min Young? What are you doing here? Do you need something?" Seokjin asks politely seeing the girl looking completely shocked at the sight.

"Hmm...I....well..." Min Young takes a deep gulp not being able to get the words out of her mouth. Her voice box having frozen up. 

Seokjin smiles softly and whispers for Namjoon to move onto the bed next to him. He sits up when he is free and pulls a shirt on that was laying on the floor. He buttons it up as he walks towards Min Young. 

"Do you want to talk outside?" He gently asks.

Min Young nods her head still not being able to understand what she just witness. She feels Seokjin lead her out of the room by her elbow. He closes the door behind them and turns to face her. She gently shakes her head, coming back to reality.

"Did you need something?" Seokjin asks. His arms are crossed over his chest and he has one eyebrow raised.

"Hmm I need to talk to you patient to doctor. It needs to be confidential," Min Young says biting her lip, worry filling her back up again. 

"Okay let me get ready first. I'll meet you in my office."

Min Young nods her head and turns to walk to his office. She starts to feel sick but she isn't sure why this time. Oh god please don't let this be true. What if it is though? What will she do? She reaches Seokjin's office and sits on the chair reserved for patients. However, she stands back up and begins pacing. 

She is unable to stay still being sat down. So many thoughts are running through her minds. She can't sort them out. At last not until she has some answers. This has to stay between her and Seokjin. No one else can know until questions have been answered. 

Eventually Seokjin enters the room. He gives her a smile and moves behind his desk. He sits down at the chair and folds his leg, ankle to knee and leans back. He motions for Min Young to sit in the chair opposite him. 

"What's wrong?"

"Will this be private and confidential?" Min Young ask in a small voice.

Seokjin frowns, being concerned for the girl sat in front of him. She looks so upset, worried and concerned. "Of course. You asked to see me as a doctor so I am under oath to keep this to myself and discuss it with no one unless I have your consent."

"Okay that's good."

"Min Young what is going on?" Concern is being to grow inside Seokjin and it shows in his voice. He leans forward and places his arms on his desk. Min Young takes a deep breathe.

"For the past week or so I've been feeling sick. I thought at first I may have eaten something bad. Then maybe I had an upset stomach and then I thought I was coming down with an illness. But nothing has been happening. I've not had anything else that would suggest an illness," Min Young stops talking and begins chewing at her lip, her eyes downcast.

"Go on Min Young. What's bothering you?" 

"I'm later by nearly two weeks for my period. I realised when I saw my pads next to the toilet when I was brushing my teeth after I had thrown up again when I woke up."

"Is it normal for you to be late?" Seokjin asks quietly. He is beginning to suspect he knows where this is going.

Min Young nods her head at his question. "Yes but I'm never more than late by three days maybe even four. I've never been late by two weeks. That's not normal for me."

Min Young takes a deep breathe. She hopes what she says next proves to be wrong.

"Me and Yoongi had sex the next of the party. That was six weeks ago."

She looks up from the floor and stares Seokjin straight in the eyes so he understands the gravity of the situation with her next words.

"I think I'm pregnant."

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