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7 years later

I stretch and wake up when I hear my alarm go off. After turning the incessant bleeping off, I roll over onto my back and stare at the ceiling. I recall my dream of that one fateful day when my life went from bad to extremely worse.

I push it to the side and start to get ready for school. I lay my clothes out on top of my bed covers and jump into the shower. After showering for fifthteen minutes, I wrap my body in a towel and sit at my makeup table. I do my makeup heavy but so it still looked natural. I then straighten my hair and put my clothes on. When I'm finished getting ready I head downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I quickly leave the house not wanting my parents to see me.

I guess it's time to talk about my home life. In short, it's not good. My parents are alcoholics and if that wasn't bad enough they also take drugs and not just the mild stuff either I'm talking about the hard-core stuff. If it can be injected or snorted, anything, they will most likely have used it. Because of this they are also abusive but not to each other. Only. To. Me. I have fresh bruises everyday and the worse part is they don't care where they hit me. I have to fully cover up without making myself look suspicious to others. I then also have mental problems.

Yeah. It's just one big massive fucking mess. And it ain't getting any better any time soon as far as I can tell.

I finally reach my school and hear screams when I step through the gates. I smile at the people who are rushing towards me and I run to my friends, becoming surrounded as I'm pulled into a group hug.

I love these girls. To be honest, I don't know what I would do without them. They have stood by me and helped me in my darkest times and know everything that has happened and still is happening. Even with everything that is going on they are still here supporting me and loving me and not giving up on me. They give me the courage to get up in a morning and show the world my middle finger and keep fighting. Without them...well lets just say that I wouldn't be standing here right now with a smile on my face.

We finally break apart and walk to our lockers. We talk and laugh over each, trying to catch up on any news we missed out on over the weekends. As we are grabbing our books I start hearing other students whispering. I turn my head to look down the corridor and see them all looking at their phones and giving me weird glances. I turn my head in the opposite direction and see the same thing. 

I start to frown wondering why they are looking at me. I turn to my friends to ask if they know what's going on. I catch them throwing each other looks. They all look a bit worried. I start to ask them what's wrong and why they look worried when the bell rings to signal the beginning of school. We make our way to our mentor class to be signed in.

Once inside the class I again notice people staring and whispering whispering to each other and not bothering to hide the fact that I see them looking at me. But I just decide to ignore them. I roll my eyes and head to my seat at the back of the class with my friends, brushing the weirdness of the students away. I swear everyday some new rumor about a student is going around. Within a couple of days it's forgotten as they have found some new tidbit to talk about.

However I still can't ignore the feeling that this is going to be a long, long day.

Time skip

Yep, it's been a long day so far. Nothing but stares and whispers. Finally it's lunch time and I'm walking to mine and my friends regular table. 

I quickly buy some food and make my way over. We usually sit at the back of the canteen in the corner. The stares and whispers are following me as I walk over and they are now seriously starting to annoy me. Finally I turn to my friends who haven't looked up or spoken a word to me since I've sat down. I huff a breath of annoyance and turn towards them all.

"Okay what the hell is going on? Why are people staring at me and whispering? And don't tell me you don't know. I saw the way you all looked worried this morning at the locker. Now and don't even think of lying to me!"

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