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As soon I wake up I look in the mirror to see my body covered in bruises. I know its going to take days maybe even weeks for these to disappear. They are already black and a deep blue. I have work today as well. I can't be going in covered on bruises. It won't look good. I might have to talk to JB and see what he says. He might hopefully have a cute outfit that covers my whole body and doesn't show the bruises.

I do my daily routine and walk to school. I don't even want to go in but I need to so I can at least maintain the current grades that I have even if they are low. Yeah the whole thing of getting a high paying job really won't happen. 

I keep my head down as I walk into school not wanting to speak to anyone. But I know I will not be able to hide it from my friends even if I fake happiness. They were always able to see straight through the bullshit. At least I'll be able to tell the people I trust the most in my life what happened.


The only people.

In my life.

Oh well.

I walk to my locker to grab the books that I need for my first lesson. I wait for my friends to arrive. I start to worry when they don't arrive after 15 minutes. They are usually the first ones to arrive as they all live pretty close to each other so they walk together. I stand at my locker scrolling through my phone while I continue to wait. Eventually just before the bell rings they all turn up.

I run up to them worried and wanting to know where they had been and if anything had happened to them.

"Guys where have you been? Your normally here before me. Has something happened?"

I look at them all worried waiting for an answer. But they all just stay silent. Something is definitely wrong. Eventually Mia speaks.

"Min Young do you know a group called BTS?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I-it doesn't matter forget I asked."

"No I'm not going to forget. What is going on with you all?"

They just shake their heads at me and walk away. I frown at their retreating backs. Questions start to float around my head. I just walk to class still frowning as the bell rang about 5 minutes ago.

I don't pay attention to any of my lessons. The only thing I want to know is what is wrong with my friends. We tell each other everything so why are they hiding something now and they all know what it is as well. I begin to feel frustrated. I tell them everything so why won't they tell me.

Before I know it, its the end of the day. I look up to see the class has already cleared out. I grab my stuff walk to the front of the gates. I keep my head down but lift my head when I see something out of the corner of my eye that shocks me and makes me drop my things. I hide behind a wall, praying and hoping I wasn't spotted.

I can't believe my eyes. The beating must have dislodged something inside my brain. I slowly peek around the wall, keeping my body hidden. Yep. Still seeing the same thing. Eun Jung, Mia, Ara and Hyun are stood outside the front gates with eight others. I frown at the men with them trying to see who they are. One of them lifts his head slightly and I instantly recognise him. I gaze at the others and I know who they all are.

Why are they here? Why are my friends talking to them? And why the hell is JB also here outside my school?

Do they all know each other?

Well with the way they are seem comfortable with each other I would say well duh? I roll my eyes at myself. Who are these men that I keep seeing? It can't be a coincidence either that I keep seeing them around. A shiver runs down my spine. This doesn't feel good in the slightest.

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now