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Five weeks later 

"You ready to see the doctor?"

Min Young looks up into the eyes of her boyfriend. His gaze is soft and gentle, knowing. She gives him a small smile and a nod to let him know the doctor can come in.

As soon they got to the hospital, Min Young instantly started to feel sick again and light headed. She took deep, calming breaths to erase the feelings that were bubbling up deep inside her chest. 

As soon as she stepped outside of the car she took hold of Yoongi's hand and didn't let go until she was inside of the room they are currently waiting in. 

Min Young looks over as the door opens to admit the doctor in. 

"Hello Min Young how are we doing today?"

"I'm good thank you. Yourself?"

"Im good too. Is this the father?"

"Hi I'm Yoongi," He says and holds his hand out for the doctor to shake. 

"Nice to meet you. Alright we ready to see how the baby is doing?" 

"Yes. But is it possible for you not to tell us anything about the baby apart from if everything is good. We don't want to know."

"That's entirely yours choice. You can decide when you want to know. Some couples want to know early. Others want to find out once they have given birth. Is that when you are wanting to find out?"

"We want to find out at the baby shower."

"Okay well I'll tell your house doctor once we have looked at the screen."

Min Young looks pleased at the answer. The doctor motions for her to lay down on the bed and prepare herself like she did last time. 

Yoongi stands to the side of her, out of the way of the screen on the machine. The doctor comes over and quickly goes through the motions. 

There is silence for a bit while the doctor tries to see what is happening inside of Min Young. 

"Hmm interesting."

"What is it?" Min Young asks, worry threading into her voice, her grip tightening around Yoongi's hand. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh yes everything is perfect and healthy. There is no need to worry about anything I promise." 

"Oh thank god," She says letting a huge sigh of relief. She looks up and Yoongi and gives him a smile. He leans down and places a small, sweet kiss on her lips before resting his forehead against hers. 

"Okay and we are all done. Will you sort yourself out I'll go speak to your personal doctor."

Doctor Han leaves the room and gives them some space. As soon as Min Young is dressed again, Yoongi pulls her towards him. 

"I can't believe this is actually happening," he says his hands resting in her hips, foreheads together. 

"Your not having second thoughts are you?"

"None at all. I'm here forever and I will never leave you or the baby."

"Good because if you did then I would have to do some serious damage."


Min Young pointedly looks down between both their bodies before looking at him with a smirk and an arched brow. 

"Wow yeah okay. As I like all parts attached I now definitely not leaving your side."

"Glad we understand each other then." 

Yoongi chuckles before it dies away. He leans down to place a gentle kiss on her lips but is interrupted by the door swinging open. He let's out a growl of frustration before turning towards to doctor. 

"Okay Seokjin knows everything and you are free to leave whenever you want."

"Thank you so much Doctor Han. Will I be having another appointment?"

"You will have to come in at least every month until you are twenty-eight weeks into your pregnancy. Then every two weeks until the thirty-sixth week and then every week after that until you give birth."

"Okay. Thank you again Doctor. See you next month."

Min Young waves goodbye to her doctor and walks out with Yoongi. Across the way, Seokjin is stood, leaning against the wall, waiting for them to leave. 

"We all good to go boss?" 

"Yeah. Everyone still here?" 

Yes. We will pick them up on our way out."

All three of them make their way out of the hospital. Between Min Young's and the exit, the boys are positioned. They each join the three as they make they way out, eventually forming a inconspicuous, protective circle around Yoongi and Min Young, their eyes watching their surroundings for anyone suspicious. 

They quickly make their way back home, Min Young and Yoongi in their own car and the other trailing behind them at a discreet distance. As Yoongi drives them both home she places one of her hands under his which is holding onto the gear stick and links their hands together. Her other hand is on her stomach. 

She begins to think of names for the baby, both male and female names. Well she is thinking Yoongi begins to speak.

"I want you to meet my parents." 

Min Young freezes in her seat. Her thoughts of names forgotten immediately. Parents. Memories of her past flash in front of her eyes. Oh god will they like her? Will they hate her? Will they want her to leave Yoongi? What would happen to the baby then? Will Yoongi keep him/her? Will she never be allowed to see her baby? 

All the negative thoughts questions begin to rush around her head, leaving no space for anything positive. She will mess up when she meets them. She knows she will. They will know all about her past and decided she isn't good enough to be with their son. 

Nausea begins to fill her stomach and the feeling crawls up her throat. So much could go wrong. So much will go wrong. She just knows it. 

Her breathing becomes erratic. The voices of her parents filling her head. The feel of their hands and feet hitting her skin. The thoughts and images becoming a tornado inside her mind. Spinning faster and faster. Getting worse and worse. 

Fuck she feels like she is going to pass out. She can't breathe anymore. Oh god where has all the oxygen in the air gone? Why can't she inhale anything? Hee throat is getting tighter. Her lungs burning for some air. 

Distantly she feels the car pull over and then her door is thrown open. She can't react to her surroundings though. She is too much into her thoughts. 

Hands grab her and pull out of the car. Arms engulf her in a warm embrace. A hand is stroking her hair. The feeling of being rocked side to side. A voice whispering in her ear. 

"Hey shush everything is okay. Everything is going to be alright. Just take some deep breaths okay. I'm right here. You're safe." 

Yoongi keeps speaking softly to her, knowing she needs the comfort. He stands there in the middle of the road, Min Young wrapped in his arms, calming her down. 

As soon as he saw her face after dropping the sentence, he knew what was going on in her mind. When he saw her struggling he instantly pulled over. 

How could he bring that word up? He didn't even think about how much it would hurt her. He continues rocking her and whispering in her ear. He rests his cheek on top of her head and closes his eyes. He hums a soft tune that his own mother use to sing to him. He instantly feels Min Young begin to relax. 

He vows to himself right there that he will do everything in his power to remove all the bad memories and replace them with fun, loving ones. Never again will she suffer while she is his.

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