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Screams. Min Young looked around the room, trying to find the source of the sound. They sound so close but yet so faint as well. Where the hell were they coming from? Eventually she realised the sounds were coming from her. Her mouth was stretched wide and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. 

She stopped screaming and laid back down on her side, her arms wrapped around her legs. Tears ran down her face and landed in her hair and on the pillow. The screams had been happening for the last three weeks but they seemed to be lessening. This was only the second time this week they had happened. She was bouncing back to normal quicker than she thought. But then again when you torture people and are part of the biggest mafia, you don't take long to recover from problems. 

Most times after she had woken up from her dreams, screaming like this, she  was in so much tears and pain that she harmed herself. And that's what she did now. The memories of the dream were still vivid in her mind. She couldn't handle it. She left the bed and walked into the bathroom and grabbed the single razor that she had hidden. As tear carried on streaming down her eyes, she grabbed the razor and placed it against uncut skin on her right arm. She had cuts along her inner thighs and on her left arm. She pressed the blade into her flesh and run it along her arm. Once wasn't enough, it never was. She ran the blade against her skin more and more. Blood was flowing freely from her arm into the skin. Eventually the pain in her heart and the tears stopped flowing. 

She placed the blade on the side of the side and braced her arm on the edge of the sink and leaned in. Blood flows down her arm and her wrist and into the sink. She didn't know how long she had been standing there, head bowed but she lifted her head and make her way to the shower. She turned it on and turned it to the temperature she wanted it on. Boiling hot.

While it was heating up she went back to the sink and cleaned the blood away. She stripped her clothes off her body and stepped under the spray. She tilted her head back and let the water hit her face. The water ran down her arm and hit the cuts, stinging them slightly but she barely felt them. 

She made sure the blood was cleaned fully from her arm and washed her hair. She scrubbed her body until it was brightly red. She always felt dirty when she woke up, remembering what had happened to her. 

She eventually left the shower and wrapped a towel around her body and then walked out to her walk-in closet where she sat staring into space on the seat that was in the middle of the room. She didn't have the energy or the will to carry on anymore. She was tired of people targeting her and making her suffer. Why couldn't it be someone else? 

She sighs softly and walks to the section that holds her tops. She pulls a long sleeved black top off the hook. The top was plain but had slits cut along the shoulder area. She also grabbed some black ripped jeans with her black trainers. She threw her hair up into a simple ponytail and left the bedroom. She closed the door and stopped out and listened to the sounds in the house. There was sounds coming from the kitchen. Seokjin must be in there cooking breakfast already. There was some grumbles and soft laughs coming from the living room. 

Min Young didn't want to be around anyone at this moment. She softly pads down the stairs and takes care to not be seen by anyone in the living room. 

She rounded the stairs and opened the door that was under them. She stepped through and began making her way down them. At the bottom she turned left. There was a gym down here. The most important thing would be that it was quiet as everyone would either be eating or busy working. About half way to the end of the tunnel there was a door set into the wall. She opened it and turned the lights on. Deserted. 

Min Young smiled and picked up the remote. She turned the T.V. on to the music channel and let it play loudly. She hopped on to the tread mill and set it to running speed. She began running and focused on the wall in front on her, concentrated on her breathing. 

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