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Min Young wakes up to the sun shining in her face. She groans at the brightness and rolls over away from the light. She hugs her pillow, not in the mood to get up. Her mind instantly replays everything that happened yesterday. The hospital all the way through to when she went to sleep. 

Tears threaten to spill out of her eyes. She quickly blinks them away not wanting to cry anymore. Honestly she is sick of the continuous crying now. Can't she just go just go one day now without being sad over something?

She gets out of bed and instantly makes her way over to the toilet. She throws everything back up that she had yesterday. She remembers the doctor saying that morning sickness can happen from six weeks into pregnancy through to the twelfth week. Just five to six weeks of throwing up let to go. She is so not looking forward to it. 

Min Young climbs into the shower after the throwing up session. She takes her time washing her hair and body. The warm water is relaxing and she doesn't want to get out any time soon.

Once the skin on her hands has become all shrivelled up, Min Young turns the water off and wraps a towel around herself. She steps out of the shower and walks to the sink.

She grabs her toothpaste and toothbrush and lazily brushes her teeth. She places her forearm against the mirror and wipes it clear.

However, she wishes she hadn't. She looks a mess. Her eyes are all red and puffy and so is her nose. She has large bags under her eyes as well. And even though she got a good night's sleep, her eyes look dead and lifeless, her skin looks ghost white as well.

She sighs and looks down, not wanting to see her reflection anymore. She spits the paste out of her mouth and rinses the brush under the cold water. She replaces it in it original place and uses the mouthwash. She spits it out and turns the water off.

Min Young makes her way into the bedroom and over to the clothes that she brought with her last night. She quickly gets changed and throws her hair up into a messy bun.

Satisfied with how she looks, she head downstairs and into the kitchen. She makes herself a large cup of coffee and takes with her into the living.

"Morning mom. Did you-", Min Young stops her question half way through. Her adoptive mother is sat in the armchair by the window. Next to her on the sofa is Eun Jung, Hoseok, Mia and Jimin. They turn towards her as soon as she enters the living room.

"What are you all doing here?" Min Young asks them shocked to see them.

"Well at first we can to see my mom because well I haven't seen her in a long time and I wanted to get some advice from her about you being pregnant. But then well Jimin saw your car parked further down the road and we knew instantly that you were here. So we stayed until you showed yourself," Eun Jung explained. She leant back against the sofa, arms crossed and one of her eyebrows raised.

Min Young moves to sit on the floor next to the coffee table. She places her coffee on one of the cup holders on the table. It make a soft clink as she puts the cup down.

"Why did you drive off Minnie?" Mia asks the question. Her pretty face is scrunched up in confusion and sadness is visible in her eyes.

"He said it was all my fault that I got pregnant. So I said fuck you and left," Min Young answers, her voice flat and her face neutral. She isn't in the mood to relive the drama from yesterday. She is tired of it all. Why can't she just have a few months of boredom.

"We are really sorry hyung said that to you. We know it isn't your fault at all and it's not fair that he places all the blame on you. We want you to come back to the mansion though where we can protect you. You and your baby are in danger out in the public and other gangs would love nothing more than to get their hands on you as you are holding the heir or heiress of BTS. I'm not saying you have to talk to Yoongi hyung or anything but please take the life of yourself and your baby into consideration. We would be devastated if anything happened to the both of you." Jimin finished his speech and sat there staring at Min Young, hoping he got through to her.

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