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Seokjin pulls the car up outside of the hospital. He sits there with the engines running and turns towards Min Young in the passenger seat. 

"Are you ready to do this?"

Min Young begins to chew on her bottom lip. God she is so nervous Though why she has no idea. The three pregnancy tests pretty much already told her what she needs to know. So why is she still sitting in this car, twisting her hands together and debating whether she should go in or not?

She takes a deep breath and tries to gather up all the courage inside of herself. She lifts her eyes up to look at Mark in the rearview mirror. He meets her gaze and gives her a smile and a small nod to show her that he is here and will stay by her side. She gives him a smile back and looks at Seokjin. He reaches over and gives her hand a squeeze. 

Taking another deep breath, Min Young opens her car door at the same time as Seokjin and Mark and make their way into the hospital. Min Young stills as soon as she steps through the threshold. Oh god she is back again. The sounds of the hospital begin to dull out and the sounds of her breathing increases as well as a buzzing. She starts to feel dizzy and lightheaded, becoming unsteady on her feet. 

She feels arms behind her legs and under her back. Someone is carrying her. She can't focus on who it is though. The white noise is her head is making it impossible to focus on anything around her. Wait there is something hard underneath her. What is it? Someone is talking and gesturing. 

She feels someone pushing on her back. What do they want her to do? She leans forward and places her head between her knees. The hand stops pushing and begins to rub her back in soothing circles. She closes her eyes and concentrates on her breathing. Oh god they should of just asked for a doctor to come round to the house. But then how would they have hid them so no one asked them what was going on and forced them to explain?

Min Young doesn't know how long she has been in this position but eventually the white nose slowly starts to fade. The sickness and dizziness eases up allowing her to sit up. Her vision swims back into view and she sees Seokjin in front of her, squatting down so he is eye to eye with her. 

"Hey. How you feeling?"

Min Young swallows a couple of times to get rid of the feeling of wanting to throw up. "I've felt better to be honest," She says, giving him a shaky grin.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. I just started to feel sick and dizzy."

Seokjin nods his head in understanding. He has a funny feeling he knows why she would be feeling that. How many times was she in hospital because of those creatures that call themselves her parents. Being in hospital would of brought it all back whether she realises it or not. 

"Do you want some water?"

"Yes please."

Seokjin nods at Mark to go and get the water. Mark quietly exits the room and returns a couple of minutes later, holding a plastic cup full of fresh, clear, cold water. He gives it to her and makes sure she has a firm grip before leaving the room again and standing outside the door. Min Young gulps it down. Oh but it tastes so good. The refreshing tastes help to erase the rest of the unpleasant feelings from earlier. 

"I'm going to get the doctor so we can get this over with and get you back home okay?" 

Min Young just nods her head. Yes please. Home. The thought of being with everyone warms her up from the inside and a small smile begins to form. Home. Family. Love. Friendship. 

Seokjin quickly comes back with a doctor. He moves back to her side and places his hand on her back and softly rubs in small circles.

"Miss. Im, I'm Doctor Han. I hear that you may be pregnant but want to be sure and then discuss what you want to do in the upcoming months?" 

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