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28 weeks later

It's been twenty eight weeks since I found out I was pregnant. This is the day of the baby shower. I can't wait to find out what the results are.

I look in the mirror in my bedroom and smile at the image reflected. I've been pregnant for thirty three if my calculations are correct. This means that I have about six weeks left of being pregnant left.

I walk out of my bedroom to find Yoongi standing outside, his fist raised as if he was about to knock on the door.

"Hi. Are you ready to go downstairs?" He asks, gently grabbing me and pulling me in for a sweet kiss.

"Hi yourself," I say with a smile. "Yes I'm ready. Has everyone been waiting a long time?"

"No the last guest has just arrived."

"Oh good I'd feel bad is I made them wait."

"I'm sure they can understand why you are taking some time. Shall we?" He holds his hand out to me.

I place my hand in his and we interlaced our fingers together. We make our way downstairs, silence surrounding us, but its not uncomfortable. It never is.

Once we reach the bottom of the stairs we make our way to the hall that was used for the party. The fateful night. A secret smile plays on my lips remembering what.

"What are you smiling about?" Yoongi asks, a smirk on his face. He is clearly thinking about the same night as me.

"I think you know," I say mischievously. He sends a grin my way, letting me know that my presumption is correct.

As we get closer to the hall, I hear soft chatter and laughter drifting out. I begin to feel nervous. At lot of people have turned up for this. More than I was expecting.

Yoongi stops in front of the door and brings my hand up to his lips, placing a small, reassuring kiss on the inside of my wrist. He gives my hand a little squeeze as well before pushing the door open.

As soon as we step into the hall, a loud cheer rises up. People rush up to us and give us hugs and kisses, mainly me, most shaking Yoongi's hand and slapping his back.

"Finally! Thought you'd gotten stuck in your bedroom door," Eun Jung says teasingly.

"I'm surprised I didn't with how big I am now," I reply with a laugh. 

The girls pull me over to the bar and hand me some alcohol free champagne. I look around the area while I take a sip.

Everyone involved in the making of the baby shower outdid themselves. The hall looks gorgeous. 

At one side of the hall there are tables and chairs to accommodate everyone. The stage has been taken down and in its place are tables holding food. The bar running equilateral to it. Parallel to the food are boxes and boxes all gift wrapped. In the middle of the floor where the dance floor is are 2 black balloons, floating softly, being held down by weights so they dont float up to the ceiling. The floor is covered by smoke but somehow made to look like clouds. Bunting made up of flowers and ribbons are placed around the area on tables and the walls. 

I cant help but gasp at the sight. It looks so extravagant but simple all at the same time. I know who did the organisation. Hyun. She always was good at making a space look beautiful but not going overboard. Ara most likely would of picked the decorations. She always did have a good eye. 

Everyone is mingling and talking amongst themselves. Some people reacquainted with old friends. Some catching up with any news they might have missed recently. Some make new friends altogether.

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