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"How are we feeling?"

Min Young looks behind her in the mirror. Standing at the entrance are all her bridesmaids, her friends. They are all wearing different pastel coloured dresses. It was difficult choosing a maid of honour and Min Young left it up to her girls to choose who should be it. 

In the end they decided someone Min Young wasn't expecting. She looks past them all to see the person standing at the back with a fond look on their face.

"You look so pretty Min," Seokjin says coming forward.

Min Young turns around fully and can't contain the smile that blooms onto her face. She thinks the girls made an excellent choice. 

This is the one person that really helped her in her most desperate moment and saved her from what could of been a life ending moment or years and years of mental torture and harm. 

He holds his hand out, palm up and Min Young takes it. 

"Are you ready to start this?" He asked gently squeezing their clasped hands.

"Yeah I am," Min Young replies taking a deep breath. 

Min Young walks to the middle of the tent and faces the opening. She waits patiently while everyone make sure that her wedding dress and veil are perfect. 

The dress was a stunning piece. The dress has buttons running down the back instead of being a corset. It has lace long sleeves which formed a flowery pattern in the material. The bodice is tight fitting and forms a deep v down the front. The skirt is also form fitting until about three quarters of the down where it flows outwards. There are little beads and lace along to skirting as well. As well as the dress Min Young is also wearing a veil Cathedral style. In her hands are a small bunch of flowers made up of peonies, purple roses, red tulips and blue forget-me-nots.

Min Young smiles as she remembers Yoongi giving her the bouquet and telling what each flower was and what they signified.

"The peonies mean a happy marriage, the roses love at first sight, red tulips are my undying love and the forget-me-nots are true love," Yoongi said a soft smile and gaze intense. 

"Your such a sap but I love this arrangement. You put a lot of into it. I'll be proud to carry this during the wedding and for the reception." Min Young couldn't help blush and feel happy that Yoongi was putting so much into the wedding and had looked at the meanings of different flowers to convey his feelings.

Others might think its a little corny or whatever but to her it meant so much. It really showed the amount of love he clearly had for her.

Min Young looks up from the bouquet and founds everyone looking at her with soft smiles and tears in their eyes. She smiles back and indicates she is fine. 

Min Young hears the wedding march begin playing from somewhere outside the tent and, taking a deep breath, moves with everyone else. 

The first person to leave is Seokjin who heads the lines. behind him is Eun Jung, then Mia, Hyun and Ara. They don't rush and take their time to wind their way down to where everyone is waiting. 

When Min Young nears the seats at the back someone moves to stand in front of her. She glances up to see Jisung there waiting. 

After the first time they had met each other, they had come really close and Jisung looks after her like an older brother and protects her just everyone else in Yoongi's gang does. But Min Young is confused with what he is doing.

"Jisung? Why are you here and not sat with the rest of the guests?"

Jisung looks down at her from his height and gives her a dazzling smile. "I'm going to give you away."

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz