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1 week later

It's been a week since Min Young was kidnapped. One week and we still can't find her. Its beginning to frustrate me. I want to find her and bring her back to us where we can and will protect her better. We may not have protected her better last time but this time we will not be relaxed in thinking she will be safe. We will make sure we keep her always safe. We will have to find a new place most likely or if not we will either stay at the safe house or go back and just put even more security on the house and around it. More men will also be put on security. We will not allow for her to be taken away from us again. I will kill myself first before I let that happen.

We have set up the area with ten times the security we had on the other house. People are continuously wandering around the outside checking for intruders. Cameras are in every place we can hide them; around the exterior of the house, in trees, in bushes, some in the ground looking like sprinklers, anywhere you can think of they will be there, hiding, watching. Now all that's left to do is search for my girl. And I pray to every god out there that she is safe and unharmed.

We have searched the house for any clues that might lead to Min Young's discovery and we got lucky. Two days after we found her gone, we found a few items. Not much but it so helps. The person obviously wasn't good at covering their tracks. But there again, they may not have expected Min Young to be in the house so will have wanted to leave quickly incase there was someone else they didn't know about or we were coming back earlier than expected.

I can't believe someone found my home. I made sure to get it erased from maps and any signs that pointed to it. It's also out in the middle of no where, set back from the roads with trees surrounding the grounds. Maybe I need to invest in a wall around the property. It's not like I can't afford it.

We are still waiting on results for the items we have sent off to be looked at and checked for DNA. I'm desperate to find out who they may have come from and who bought them. I have sent some of our girls out to find out information. Someone surely must of been cocky enough to brag about the fact they snuck into the house of the most powerful mafia and kidnapped someone. Hopefully one comes back quickly with some.

3 weeks later

It's been four weeks. And we have gotten no where. I'm starting to become increasingly frustrated. We are the biggest mafia group and we can't find out a single fucking lead!? How?! I groan and pull my hair in frustration. I need to stay strong and focus. There are still things that I need to do in the mafia.

As I begin to do other things that need my attention as well I hear shouting downstairs and go to investigate. I see people standing around in the living room talking very excitedly. My blood boils. Min Young is out there and these idiot look like they are five seconds away from partying. I walk over to the group and grab the shoulders of the first person I come to.

"What's happening? Why the hell are you all excited for?"

The person throws me a big smile,

"We found her. We know where she is being kept. We can go save her."

My mind takes a while to process what is being said. We....found her? We actually found her?! After all these weeks someone found some information about her!! I can't keep the big grin from spreading across my face.

I look up to see the rest of the boys looking at me. I look them all one by one in their eyes and say,

"So whose ready to spill some blood and save our precious gem?"

They all look at me and chuckle darkly. We walk to the back room where we begin to plan out the escape. We decide we need extra help and so call for back up from our two best fighting groups, Got7 and Monsta X. We wait for them to arrive before sorting out more details and planning when we will raid. We know we have to watch the habits of those who have her so we can reduce the numbers of casualties on our side while maximizing the casualties on their side and taking their leader as our hostage. I chuckle to myself once the plan has been completed. This is going to be so much fun.

Now I can finally show people that they do not mess with what is mine and ours. No one takes Min Young from us just like they do not take any of the other members either. Maybe in the future they will think twice before coming to my home and taking things that do not belong to them. 

Mafia Love//Bts (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now