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Standing there as she stared into the mirror that was at one end of the big tent, Min Young was currently alone while her friends went to see if everything was ready outside. She was feeling nervous but extremely excited. The day was finally happening. She couldn't believe it. It all felt like a dream to her. 

After the twins had been born there had been little activity of the business kind at the beginning. Everyone was helping the new parents acclimatise to the situation they found themselves in. Everyone helped out to make sure that the kids were well looked after and so Min Young and Yoongi didn't end up stressed out and tired and could have time to themselves. 

One day when the girls decided to babysit the twins for them, Yoongi took them both for a drive out into the countryside further away from the city. It was a peaceful journey. Soft music was playing in the background as they drove along the dark road to the destination. No words were needed between the pair of them. They didn't feel the need to always talk about things just to fill the space and air between them. The silence was never uncomfortable. 

Eventually Yoongi had turned off the road and drove along a dirt path through the trees that were lined up at the side of the road. As they drive along, every now and then, Min Young can see the stars through the branches overhead. 

The cars bursts out of the tree line and into a small clearing with a little pond set back from the trees, a little decline leading down towards it. In front of the pond was a blanket laid out on the ground. On top was quite a large wicker basket, the top that opens up at both ends. There are also candle set around the blanket, ready to be lit. 

Min Young was so excited that as soon as the car stopped she unclipped her seatbelt and flung the door wide open and ran towards the blanket before Yoongi had even turned the engine off. 

"Your suppose to wait for me!" Yoongi called out from the car window. 

"Well hurry up then," She shouted back at him.

Mumbling under his breath, Yoongi turned off the engine and calmly walked out of the car towards where Min Young was standing at the pond edge. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. 

They stood there in the gently breeze and under the blanket of darkness, a breeze subtly pushing up against them. Min Young relaxed into his arms, a peaceful serenity coming over her. Her muscles relaxing for what seems like the first time. 

"I like this," Min Young said. Moving further into the body behind her.

"Me too," Yoongi whispered next to her ear, his arms tightening around her.

Min Young turned around in his arms and placed both of hers around his neck. One of her hands come up the back to land in his hair where she played with the short strands at the nape. 

"What?" Yoongi asked.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your eyes?"

"Actually I don't think you have."

"Well I do. They are so pretty." She traced her fingertip around the edge of one of his eyes and under. 

"Come on. Lets sit down."

He gently tugged her over to the blanket and settled her down before sitting next to her. He opened the basket and began to take some of the things waiting inside. A bottle of champagne, champagne flutes, food, an extra blanket, matches. The whole set up was adorable. 

Min Young watched at Yoongi pours the champagne into the flutes and passed one to her. They clinked the glasses together and settled down to enjoy a peaceful night around them.

They drank, ate and talked about everything and nothing. They reveled in the company of one another. They petted and cuddled. They swam in the water, darted between the trees.

When the moon had reached the highest point in the sky, Yoongi stood up and held his hand out for Min Young to places hers in his.

Feeling puzzled, Min Young let Yoongi guide her away from their little picnic and towards the trees.

He maneuvered swiftly in the dark, checking repeatedly to make sure Min Young was fine.

Eventually Yoongi stopped before the tress cleared. He turned towards Min Young, taking a blindfold out of his pocket.

"What are you doing", Min Young asked. Puzzled and confused, Min Young stared up at Yoongi. A blindfold in the middle of the forest? What the hell was he doing?

"Do you trust me?" Yoongi asks, his face neutral, not a hint of emotion anyway.

"Of course I do. You know that."

"Then don't look so confused and worried."

Min Young stayed still as Yoongi walked behind her and placed the blindfold over her eyes.

She felt him tug the at the knot at the back of her head to make sure it was tight and she wouldn't be able to see where they were going.

Min Young felt his hands briefly leave her head but felt them a second later on her waist.

"Keep moving forwards. I'll guide you and make sure you dont hurt yourself," Yoongi said in her ear.

She felt pressure on her waist pushing her forwards and she went with it. Every now and then Yoongi would tell her to move this way or this and lift this leg higher or a fallen branch was in the way.

With the continuous instructions and help, Min Young left the forest without a single scratch on her. Yoongi moved her over to a specific spot and let go of her to untie the blindfold.

Min Young felt Yoongi step back from her and she would of turned towards him.

If it wasn't for the site that was laid out in front of her.

Min Young's mind couldn't quite comprehend what her eyes was seeing.

They was at a small docking and between the docks and the forest was candles, with red roses around them. There was so many candles that at first Min Young didn't realise what they were saying.

But eventually her mind caught up and she was able to read what was on the ground. A gasp slipped out of her mouth, a hand coming up in shock.

With tears forming in her eyes, Min Young whipped around to look for Yoongi.

Only to find him on the ground.

On one knee.

With a box in his hands.

And a ring in the box.

Stunned, Min Young could do nothing but stare. Yoongi smiled with so much fondness. That before he even opened his mouth to speak, tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Min Young. You came into my life unexpectedly. At first I thought you would be a pain in the ass but for some reason there was another feeling underneath. Something about you captured me. Having been with you, I now know what it was that drew me in. It was your inner strength and your spirit.
You were strong from the start. I've known it since the first day in out home when you were carried down from your bedroom and faced off at us all. You continued to be strong threw everything else that happened after words. And I knew I was gone. Without having to do anything you enslaved my heart. And I wouldn't have it any other way. You have brought happiness into my life and my heart. Before you I was cold, uncaring, distant. But you changed that.
If I was given the choice of leaving you in the hospital or taking you with me, I would take you back again. I wouldn't think twice about it. Though I would make sure you were better protected when left alone in the house.
I'm happy you chose me and stayed by my side. I know I haven't been the easiest to live with at times but thank you for never leaving. Every day I'm grateful that I have you and now two beautiful children in my life. So Min Young, what do you say."

"Will you marry me?"

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