Chapter 46 - Rahne

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"Stop!" I nearly screamed. This was not happening today; the wound in my stomach ached, I was speaking in languages I didn't remember ever knowing, and we were all trapped in Simile and Metaphor's lair, there was no way Jezebeth was going to add death to the list. "Don't hurt them!" Well, him. I had reservations about... whazzername. Charlie? Was that it? Eh, whatever.

Jezebeth raised an eyebrow. "Sounds boring. Besiiiiiides, I've been wanting to kill this one after he Sealed me for quite some time. You should rethink your nonexistent negotiating strategy, Rahne."

Gil seemed to know the absolutely insane idea I thought of in that instant and struggled against Jezebeth in an attempt to free himself. "NO, RAHNE!"

"I'll go with you if you let them go," I blurted out. Seemingly intrigued, Jezebeth smiled her trademark smile, her features flickering between truly demonic and somewhat human. Although regretting this plan immediately, it was the only one I could come up with that didn't involve the weapons conveniently located behind Jezebeth. Buy time by making a deal; demons could not resist deals.

No sooner had the words left my mouth, Gil was escaping. "Lux aeterna," was the only thing I caught him mutter as light erupted from seemingly nowhere; he slammed his hand onto Jezebeth's arm, the light being snuffed out in the process. Shrieking in pain, Jezebeth dropped Gil and Charlie, who fell in a heap, then stumbled backwards into the wall, clutching her arm which appeared to be smoking. With a quick movement, the commander had her whip in the air, attacking Jezebeth and keeping the enraged demon distracted while Gil eyed the wall with the shelf on it. Taking a running start, he used a rock to propel himself upwards, grabbing the shelf and pulling himself up. After finding his knife, he shoved the rest of the weapons to the ground then allowed himself to drop to the floor after the weapons had settled. For whatever reason, the crystalline sound seemed to reverberate through the room; nobody appeared to notice, however.

I made a dash for the weapons, ducking around Jezebeth as the commander continued to distract her. In a similar fashion, Gil ran around me, getting involved in the fight with the demon as the commander seemed to be having troubles keeping her completely occupied. Grabbing the nearest knife, a nagging feeling in the back of my mind made me stop and think for a moment. Escape was the main goal here, and there appeared to be absolutely no way out of wherever this was aside from a portal.

Except I didn't know how the portals worked, let alone how to make one. Worse, I didn't know who could make one. Besides, the only other two who weren't doing anything besides myself were Charlie, who was still unconscious, and... the other girl, who was barely noticeable behind the heap of unconscious demon. I held out the knife hilt-first to her, watching as she scrambled over and took the weapon from me. Without a word, I picked up another knife, not really caring whose was whose at this point. Jezebeth was growling at the commander and Gil in a standoff; she looked upwards, catching my eyes and smiling. Reacting instantly, I threw the knife at her.

With a wave of her hand she disappeared in a swirl of mist, the knife clattering off the wall to the ground. Hearing the same whoosh behind me, I immediately spun around and swung at her, barely missing her attempts to take me wherever. I caught glimpses of Gil attacking her as I twisted beyond the demon's reach, careful to not trip myself up until I did; my foot caught Smile and Metaphor's body, sending me backwards to the ground. With Jezebeth nearly falling on top of me, I threw my hands at her, somehow sending her backwards and away from me. In that exact same millesecond, I hit the ground with bone-rattling force.

Now aching all over, I pushed myself up, seeing the commander and Gil once more fighting the demon while the other girl tried to stay well out of their way. In addition, Charlie seemed to be coming to as she started to move ever so slightly.

Knowing what to do about as much as the other girl whose name I realy should find out, I glanced around the lair once more trying to find maybe some sort of exit. There was a sudden shout of more words I didn't know; I looked over just in time to see Gil shove a screaming demon through a portal before the portal disappeared.

"Rahne, you okay?" Gil asked. I nodded, not really able to speak at that moment. Regardless, he gave me a concerned look. "You're still bleeding." Frowning, I checked. And unfortunately was. Well that was wonderful. He motioned me over, tearing off about an inch from his shirt, and had me hold my arms up while he tied the makeshift bandage around my stomach.

"What about that...thing..." the girl whose name I couldn't remember finally spoke, pointing at the still gratefully unconscious Simile and Metaphor.

"I've got salt.." Charlie groaned, pushing herself up with one hand while clutching her head with the other. I noted the commander narrowed her eyes at Charlie's comment. Maybe I missed something.

"You did," Gil muttered so only I could hear. "Charlie's working for them." With a quick motion, he pointed out the demon.

"Oh, wonderful." Watching carefully as Charlie stood shakily, she staggered for a moment before regaining her balance and walking to what seemed to be a deeper part of the cave before reappearing with the most salt I had ever seen in one place. I wasn't paying attention as someone opened another portal Gil shoved me towards.

With a backwards glance, I caught sight of Charlie pouring the salt onto the demons' heads. With a shrill sound, the body was suddenly in motion, clawing at the offending substance while everything disappeared as I fell through the portal with everyone else close behind.

Rolling onto the ground, I coughed as dust rose from the stone floors. Where the hell...? I looked up, seeing thirteen shocked faces staring at me and the rest of the group as they appeared from the portal. Frowning, I tried gather where I was purely by what I knew, but I couldn't place this foreign place. Beside me, I could hear Gil mutter several curses. Eyes flitting around, I could tell why he was doing such. These were faeries. And standing behind us in chains that radiated strangely was Celaena, along with two guards.

It suddenly came to me where I was. This day just got better and better.

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