Chapter 15- Seraphina

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As I walked away from the jail cell, I prayed that there weren't any fires around, or my temper would make them go wild. Celaena Graceling had a way of getting on people's nerves, that much I'd give her. That probably isn't good for her health, but who am I to care?

As I walk away from the faerie jail, I curse silently to myself. Why in the world would Menoroth decide to give me an assassin as a companion? My throat tightened. What did he want to do, get me killed?

I reached up and pulled my whip from Inferni's handle. Carelessly, I swung the whip around, almost hoping that it would hit some random faerie. Menoroth had full authority over the Faerie Army, and not many would dare to oppose him in Faerie Council meetings, from what I heard. He was almost a king over the faeries.

I focused my thoughts on the task I had lying ahead of me. Guarding seals, eh? The seals are like magnets to demons. There is no way I'll be safe while guarding them. I begin imagining hordes of demons, flying, crawling, hissing, screeching... I shake my head. Already scared, Morgenstern? Hell no. Can't afford that.

I headed home, a little bit of disappointment sinking in. Of all the faeries going on assignments, why did I have to be the one who got an assassin as a companion? I almost smacked myself. Stop whining, Seraphina. You're not a little girl anymore.

I walked home, trying to push my anger away as I did so. I was a fire faerie, and hiding my emotions didn't come easily.

I approached my house quietly, knowing that my parents would already be asleep at this time. I wondered how they felt about this. My father wasn't so sure about this, that much I knew. He didn't consider me as a child, but I suppose he didn't like it when I got sent on suicide missions. Hell, I didn't like it either, but I had no choice in the matter, did I? Menoroth had power in both the Army and the Council. He could order me to do anything he wanted me to do, and no one would dare overrule him.

I slipped into my room, changed into a set of faerie nightclothes, and fell into bed, exhausted.


A stream of light poured through my window and hit my eyes. Dazedly, I sat up and gave my routine stretch. And then I almost fell back into bed when I remembered what tasks lay ahead of me. I'm not scared of what's coming, not really, anyway. I'm just too damn lazy to do what I'm supposed to do.

I drag myself out of bed and manage not to fall flat on my face. I let out a groan, but try to be as quiet as possible since my parents aren't yet awake. Well, as quiet as a loud faerie can be. I quickly take a shower and change into my faerie combat clothes. After grabbing all of my needed weapons and lacing on the appropriate boots, I head out of the house, not bothering to leave a note behind.

I almost wanted to blow something up when I remembered that I was to pick Celaena up from the faerie jail. I wondered what she'd have up her sleeve this time. I admired her sarcasm, but she wasn't to be trusted.

I had also been ordered to meet Menoroth at the Faerie Training Camp. He'd have my group of faerie soldiers there. "Only five soldiers, Morgenstern," I remembered him growling into my ear. "You can't travel in a large group, or you'll attract too much attention." I wondered if Menoroth had good intentions, or he was just trying to get me killed.

Now that I was out of range from any faeries, I began stomping around the forest, not bothering to consider how I might wake up other creatures. I was festering this morning, and nothing would calm me down. Except for maybe Menoroth's head on a pole.

At the faerie jail, I found Celaena standing in her cell, a bright smile on her face. Wow, she'd been expecting me. A little chill went down my spine. What would happen next? I couldn't help but wonder. Celaena Graceling had already caused many problems, and I'd only met her yesterday.

"Hello, Commander," Celaena greeted. She edged over to the iron bars carefully, keeping her distance.

"Good morning," I responded as I pulled out the key to her cell. I bent my knees slightly, ready to pounce, in case Celaena decided to attack me.

"No need to be paranoid, Commander," Celaena said as the door to the cell opened. She flashed a smile in my direction, which didn't help my mood.

I pulled my whip out and beckoned Celaena to move forward. She eyed the whip and did as I signaled her to. I inwardly smiled. My whip was enchanted - made with iron, but it always had fiery power in it, which allowed it to be flexible. The whip could only be handled by a fire faerie and a faerie that wasn't affected by iron. Me. At least that gave me something to laugh over.


"Here are the five," Menoroth said, sweeping his hand gracefully as he brought me to my little squad.

Celaena and I both eyed the faeries. "They're good in combat?" I asked Menoroth.

He nodded. "They're some of the best we've got. They don't have rankings, of course. But they're still fine warriors," he explained.

Celaena tilted her head to the side. "I think they look good." I shot her a glance, and she corrected herself saying, "I mean, I think these warriors will do perfectly fine."

I rolled my eyes. "I sure hope they'll do fine, because I doubt Menoroth, er, the Supreme General, is going to change his mind about who is assigned to us."

Menoroth let out a slight chuckle, and something sparked in his eyes. "I'm not the kind of faerie that changes his mind about things. I'm quite stubborn, as you know."

And I couldn't help but wonder: Would this stubbornness be the death of me someday?

I eyed the faerie warriors again. I sure damn hoped that they were good.

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