Chapter 10- Rahne

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"OI!" I grimaced, hoping that wasn't intended for me. Somewhere behind me, a motorcycle engine growled as its owner caught up with me on the sidewalk and kept pace. "Yeh lookin' fer somethin', girl?" Of course he was...

I glanced at the motorcycle's owner, taking in the bandana wrapped around his blond-black hair, sunglasses, and leather jacket. "Not from the likes of you."

He gunned the throttle, pulling the bike up short in front of me and stopping me in my tracks. "Aw, don' be like that," he gave a wide smile. Glaring, I tried to pass by him, only to be cut off. Without responding, I turned on my heel and walked in the opposite direction. Bloody... Unfortunately, he didn't take the hint and continued following me. "Come on, now, I haven' got all dey teh follow yeh 'round..." I continued to ignore him. For a moment, the motorcycle noise dimmed, as if he were finally giving up, until he crushed my hopes and cut me off once more. "Suppose yeh don' know about the shadows then, aye?"

"What are you talking about..."

"The shadows followin' yeh fer this whole tyme." My heart skipped a beat. Really..? No, this was some sort of trick; he obviously was a threat now.

I pulled out my knife quickly, holding it so nobody else but he could see it; he didn't seem to react, regardless. "I don't know who you are, or what you're doing here, but you'll best be getting out of my way right now."

He let out a short laugh. "Wha, an' miss the party?"

"Get out of my way, or-"

"Rahne, would yeh stop fightin' with me and ge' on the bike?" I couldn't decide whether to kill him right then or try to run; killing wasn't so bad an option, except people were around. Witnesses who could send me straight to jail, and subsequently my death. "Ey," he grabbed my wrist. "No runnin' yet."

"Let go of me," I hissed.

"Surely yeh've noticed, yer not goin' anywhere 'till yeh agree to just get on the bike."

"All the more easily to kill you..."

"But yeh won', not with them around," he jerked his head towards the people walking around us and giving us strange looks. "Look, if I didn' need yer help, I wouldn' be here. Now get on the bike."


"Sorri then, yer givin' me no other choice." One-handed, he scooped me up and sat me down right in front of him in just a way to where I couldn't move. Covering my mouth so I would stop yelling, he easilly steered the bike off the sidewalk and into the street, weaving between cars and either going fast or turning to avoid the red lights. Going through an intricate maze of alleyways, he somehow managed to steer into the suburbs of the city. Panicked, I struggled a bit more; there was no way he was taking me out to the middle of nowhere to kill me in peace. He attempted to stop me, nearly losing control of the motorcycle, and giving me a chance to stab him in the arm with the knife I had somehow managed to keep ahold of. This time, he did lose control, and we were both thrown to the pavement. I groaned; that hurt worse than it should have. "F8ck..." he spat. "Yer a real pain in the arse, I hope you know that." There was a scraping sound, as if he was trying to push himself up. That got me moving. As quickly as I could, I got up and began running down the street towards the city. "HEY," he yelled, but I ignored him, hoping I could get far enough away. "YOU FORGOT SOMETHING."

''What?'' I stopped suddenly, thoughts forgotten. Standing in front of me was the demon from last night, in all its, or his as I could now see, glory. Wide-eyed, I took a step back, trying to find my knife before remembering it had come out of my hand when the motorcycle fell. Crap.

"Going somewhere?" he smiled, reaching out a hand and shoving me to the ground via an invisible force. Growling, I struggled to break free. "Now now now, we don't have time for that, Ianua." The word reverberated through my head with such a force, I screamed in pain unintentionally.

"Sanctus Dominus," someone yelled. "Benedicite aquae!" There was a screaming, hissing sound as I was pulled up roughly to my feet. "Move!" Forcing myself to comply, I just barely kept up as motorcycle-boy dragged me along to his bike. "Get on, now!"

He didn't have to tell me twice; I scrambled onto the motorcycle, holding on for dear life as he started the thing and sped off. Behind us, I could feel him recover enough to give chase. Although I had felt fear before, this was the first time in a long while I knew I was completely helpless. Closing my eyes, I resisted the urge to scream. "Hold on, we're takin' a portal!"

''Wait, what''?! This time, I actually did scream.

The motorcycle came to a sudden stop, nearly sending me over the handlebars. Panicked, I fell off the bike. "Well," he said, taking off his sunglasses and eyeing seemingly nothing behind him. "That was exciting, don't you think?" 

"You... SON OF A B8TCH," I lunged at him, intending to gouge his eyes out. Easily, he caught my arms and held me at a safe distance.




I ignored him. "WHO ARE YOU?"

"GIL, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?" With a single motion, he pushed me down and got off the bike, turning his back to me.

"NO I AM NOT." I got back to my feet, now livid.


He turned around just in time for me to punch him right in the face.

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