Chapter 65 - Gil

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Celaena was right, I was tenser than usual. However, her explanation was only partially right. Although I was extremely worried about Rahne, having learned she was still alive only a few minutes ago, I knew what this place was. What was here was worse than Jezebeth and Doirich combined.

Taking a deep breath, I crept down the narrow passageway, watching carefully as it switched back on itself as it descended into the earth. Despite the candles, it seemed to get darker and darker, the very air forbidding our presence in this unnatural place.

I slowed, creeping forward and stopping where the passage met the chamber containing the Seal's markings. The significantly larger room was empty, or at least seemed to be, save two things. The first was the roughly hewn slab indicating where the creator of the Seal had stood. Where Damon had stood... I ignored those thoughts.

The second was Rahne, who appeared to be asleep; she was floating a few inches above the ground, seemingly asleep, and thankfully not over the dais. Glancing around the room, I saw no sign of Jezebeth or Doirich. In fact, I didn't see a guard of any kind. This was very obviously a trap, but the question was how...

Motioning for the others to stay put, I placed a hand on my sword, slowly entering the chamber. Although it seemed empty, the shadows did leave a lot to the imagination. On guard and still seeing nothing, I knelt by Rahne's side; her face was twisted from the nightmare she was having, her fists clenched tightly and beads of sweat appearing on her forehead.

I was about to wake her up, when the skin on the back of my neck prickled as I heard a whooshing sound. Aside from the unmistakable feeling of the two demons behind me, a myriad of creatures, mainly lesser demons, stepped out from the shadows, surrounding me.

"Fannon..." Jezebeth's distinctive voice said mockingly. "You are awfully predictable."

Standing, I turned to face her, noticing Connall and the others were also trapped within the circle of demons. Narrowing his eyes, Connall gave a particularly nasty remark, which I ignored. "So are you," my hand tightened on the handle of my sword. "Where else would you go, but to open Lucifer's Seal once you kidnapped Rahne."

Jezebeth gave a grin that didn't reach her cold eyes. "Very good." Setting my jaw, I ignored her incredibly condescending tone. "Then you'll also know the girl is still too sick and wouldn't survive opening the Seal."

I stiffened, resisting every instinct to kill Jezebeth on the spot. "What are you saying."

"You. Open the Seal, or we'll use the girl instead. And I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen..." Doirich said with a sneer.

"You wouldn't do that to her, you sick b*stard," Connall growled, drawing his sword. "Not with your plans fer everything."

Jezebeth narrowed her eyes at Connall. "Plans change. You of all people should know, we're not above killing anyone who gets in our way."

The color drained from Connall's face, and he looked as though he had been stabbed, going completely still. Knowing the rest of that conversation wasn't going anywhere good, I quickly intervened. "If I do open the Seal, you'll let everyone go?"

"Of course..." Jezebeth's eyes flicked back to me as she lied through her teeth. Pretending to consider it, I eyed the two demons carefully.

"Then let Rahne go and stop whatever nightmares you put in her head."

"We didn't give her any nightmares," Jezebeth looked far too gleeful for that to be truth.

"And we won't until our master is free." From the look on Doirich's face, he wasn't willing to negotiate. Frankly, neither was I.

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