Chapter 33- Celaena

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Celaena paled as the demon spoke. She’s done a lot of things, but raising demons wasn’t one of them. She was sure of that. She’s killed demons, and killed for demons, but never raised. Keeping quiet, she watched as Gil shouted in Latin. The demon, Jezebeth she guessed, quit her smiling and snarled, muttering something back before lunging at him.

He ducked out of the way, continuing his chant while moving back towards the campsite. Jezebeth pursued, but Celaena and the others went into action. Pulling out Corruption, Celaena whipped the blade so the point of it landed at the base of the demons throat.

“Don’t move.” She said, not wavering as she stared at the demon.

“Oh, Graceling, I don’t need to.” She smiled again, not breaking eye contact until she looked over at Rahne. “Dear, I hope you know that…”

Jezebeth didn’t get to continue, Celaena withdrew her sword and swept the demon off her feet. She landed on her back, but was up within an instant with an invisible force slamming into the assassin and the soldiers. Flying back, Celaena and the others hit various trees hard, and slid to the ground. For a moment everything was fuzzy, then double vision as her head throbbed. She could faintly hear a voice, not the woman…

It was Gil, and he was talking in a tongue Celaena could understand. “GET UP! MOVE!” He was in a grapple with the demon, managing to knock her down several times, but her managing to do the same to him. Then they were up, doing an intricate dance of swift hand to hand punches, neither of them landing a blow.

“This is crazy,” the commander said, unsheathing her sword and heading into the fray. “A freaking demon.”

“Yeah,” Celaena blinked, took out her other blade, Void. Corruption was somewhere off to the side, but she could do without for now. Following Morgenstern, she almost ran into Rahne, who was searching around for a weapon.

“My sword is on the ground over there,” Celaena pointed in the opposite direction, back by the trees. “Use that.” Rahne nodded, heading over to the sword, and Celaena kept moving in a wide arc, so Jezebeth’s back was to her. Creeping forward, she aimed to slash at her neck, but Jezebeth ducked, like she knew what was going on behind and spun around, slamming a fist into Celaena’s stomach so hard and so fast, she didn’t know what happened until she was on the ground and her stomach ached. Jezebeth was turned back around, battling all the others at the same time. Jothrynn was trying a flyby technique, since throwing knifes had the possibility to hit one of our own.

Before Celaena could get back up, she watched as a person, it had to be a person, with pink hair seemingly appeared into the sky at random. At first, Celaena’s heart sank, it was probably another demon. But the person fell out of the sky, landing with a sickening crunch on Jezebeth and a scream.

There was silence for a moment, as everyone took in the new situation. The ground started to tremble, and everyone around the demon was thrown back several feet, the girl landing next to Celaena. Scrambling up, Celaena grabbed the girl, and pulled her up, shaking her by the shoulders.

“What are you?” Celaena glared, glancing from the girl to the demon.

“I,” The girl began, but didn’t get to finish. Celaena chose not to think of her as a threat for a moment. The others were attacking the demon again, but this time it was getting more aggressive, leaving marks and throwing out blasts of energy.

“I’m making a portal,” Celaena said, concentrating on a tree behind the girl. The air shimmered near it, and Celaena knew she was good. “FALL BACK!” She yelled at the others, “GET OVER HERE!” A couple of the soldiers heard, breaking off and seeing what she had to say “Go through the portal, we have to leave.”

They waited for Celaena to run over to the fight, ducking and dodging, telling the others to stop fighting. Only Gil listened, he gave one more punch before jumping out of the fray, “Portal?” he asked. Celaena nodded, pointing to where it stood. Nodding, he grabbed onto Rahne’s shoulder, but she shrugged him off and attacked Jezebeth again. After the demon sent her flying back a couple feet, Gil grabbed her again.

“We’re going through the portal over there,” Gil pointed it out to Rahne, “Stop fighting.” Not waiting for the reply, Celaena ran over and intercepted a swing from Seraphina’s sword with hers, almost getting knocked to the ground from the force.

“Commander, stop!” Celaena pushed her back, almost getting hit by Jezebeth.

“She’s not dead yet,” Seraphina growled, pushing back against the smaller faerie. Jezebeth advanced towards them, her fangs bared into a smile. The Commander and Sanguis were the only ones still fighting, the others had gotten the message.

“We can’t fight her,” Celaena said before grabbing onto the back of her leather armor and unfolding her wings, taking the Commander unwillingly to the area of the portal. Sanguis followed on the ground, and Jezebeth smirked.

“Leaving already?”

Ignoring the glare from Morgenstern, Celaena ushered the others into the portal before tumbling in herself, and almost screamed when she felt a stabbing sensation in her leg, then warm liquid oozing down, probably her blood. Kicking with the other foot, Celaena managed to dislodge the demon’s face from her leg before landing on the cold tile ground filled with crumbs. Quickly, she shut down the portal before anything else could come through, and got up.

She was met with a smack to her side with a blunt object, an old human lady yelling at her English. “I AM TRYING TO ENJOY A NICE BREAKFAST AND YOU ALL JUST COME OUT OF NOWHERE, LANDING ON MY F*CKING TABLE.”

Rahne and Gil were already trying to calm down the lady, the girl and the other soldiers were looking around confused, along with Celaena, and Seraphina was gazing around in awe.

“Coffee…” she muttered dazed, before looking around. “Sh*t, guys, we have to leave.” Everyone was staring, coffee and little bits of food half way towards their mouth. Looking down, Celaena realized that they were the only ones there with weapons, armor, and giant bleeding gashes. And wings. Celaena folded hers in, and grabbed a muffin from the table with the lady and ate it in one bite, which set the old witch off again.

“Leibide,” Celaena muttered, looking at the lady. Her leg was throbbing, and the others also had some pretty bad looking marks. She heard some younger children scream, and people started to get up, panicking. Sanguis had gotten up, sniffing some of the tables and eating the food on it. Seraphina jumped above the counter, swiping as much food as she could. Employee’s stared wide-eyed, some silent, others swearing. She hopped back down and headed for the door.

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