Chapter 43- Charlotte

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Charlie's POV

I grumbled as I got off the ground, attempting to wipe the blood on my neck but smearing it instead. The cut stung, and I winced. The things I go through for these demons. It was despicable. Looking at the battle raging around me, I shrugged helplessly and hopped in the portal, trying to choke down my nausea before landing in the dimly lit cave. It wasn't my fight, all I was told to do was get them out of the church and maybe do some undercover work.

The familiar stench of the cave was enough to rock me back on my feet, but the wave of demon hideout gave way and I was in the prime position to see Gil frantically searching every nook and cranny and observe what had to be three different languages of cusses fall out of his mouth.

"You aren't going to find her here," I interrupted him, putting up a smirk. My role was still being played, after all. "Did you honestly expect demons to keep their word? Because they don't, trust me."

All of a sudden, Seraphina fell out of another portal that had materialized close by, landing on her side and looking extremely cross. She jumped up at the first chance, but her face twisted in disgust as she took in the smell.

Metaphor came out of the portal, facing the wrong way and screaming as she dragged that other girl with the cool hair dye and threw her to the side. She landed with a cry, a knife clattering a few feet away from her. Did she actually hit Meta? Nice...

"Trust you?" Gil shouted, glaring at me, before coming over and pushing me back, hitting my head hard against the wall. I tried not to flinch or show any fear, but it was a real disadvantage that humans were slower than most of these other creatures. "Why would I trust you when you lied to us and work with the demons that want to ruin everything?"

I was about to shoot back a nasty reply to Gil, but there was a loud clanging and a grunt from Seraphina, and Meta walked over with the whip and knife in her hand. "Relax, Gil." She chided, "I'm about to get your precious Rahne. Now give me your weapon." Meta stood, putting on what she must have thought would be a convincing smile, but it looked more devious.

"I'm going with." Gil said, staring down the demon in front of him.

"You don't have an option. You are going to stay here under Charlotte's supervision and while I go get the trouble child. Charlotte," she motioned with one finger, one that signified that I was to use force. "Convince Gil to give me his weapon."

I pulled my gun out of its holster, switching off the safety and aiming it directly at Gil's head. "I have deadly accuracy, and if Meta says to shoot, I have to shoot. Now give her your weapon, so she can go get Rahne."

There was a silence as Gil lowered his knife to the ground and kicked it towards me, probably thinking that he'd have an easier time getting the weapon back. He would, but I'd still put up a fight. Metaphor grinned a toothy grin before lunging for Gil and spinning him around, tying his hands behind his back, he shouted something, but it was unheard over Metaphor laughing. I took a second to glance back at the other two, finally noticing that their hands were both bound.

"She needs to come back alive, and not one scratch on her," Gil glared as Metaphor put the weapons on a six foot tall shelf indented into the cave, and then lifted me up by the back of my neck and placing me on there. I'm assuming for affect, and maybe so they wouldn't be able to attack me.

"I'll be back soon," Meta said, waving up another portal and jumping in, closing it right behind her.

All three of them turned towards me, eyes full of distrust and hate. I hefted my gun and kept it pointed at them. Seraphina looked downright murderous without her beloved weapon, I definitely had to watch myself. Or maybe I could turn this to my advantage.

"So I know you guys don't trust me..." I stared slowly, eyes darting to each of the three..

"Oh no. We completely trust you." Seraphina growled, eyeing her whip that laid coiled behind me. The urge to point my gun at the commander was tempting, but I fought it down. If they were going to be my ticket out, I had to be somewhat pleasant.

"...but I also know that you don't want Simile and Metaphor to intervene anymore. We have similar goals: to kill them. I feel like we can help each other with that."

"I'd be interested if you could be trusted." Gil said through gritted teeth.

"Alright, listen here asshat," I snarled, lowering my gun. Enough of this holding back my anger. "You can play all your tough shit games but you all are going to be killed in the end if you don't take this offer. I know, because they told me. I'm giving you a way out of this mess, and I'm only going to ask for two things in return."

"What do not have that you could possibly want?" Seraphina looked slightly hesitant to accept my offer.

"Protection." I stated, "We can only kill one of them at a time, so when Metaphor comes back, we'll kill her in her sleep. Simile's out doing business, and when she comes back and finds Metaphor gone, she's going to go stark raving mad and come after me."

"And your second?" Gil asked

"I... I'm still thinking that one through." I laid back against the wall "I want to live in Ellond, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to. People in Mundanus are after me, and I have a bone to pick with the faerie that got me into this mess." I waited a second before continuing. "Anyways, are you guys accepting or are you going to do this the hard way? I want to help, but I have to do what the demons tell me to do."

"Why don't you rebel then, don't do what they ask?" Gil raised his eyebrows, wanting my story probably. I sighed.

"I can't. I made a deal with them when I was seventeen, and they're still holding their side of it over me. And I don't like the punishment I have to go through when I tell them no"

Seraphina looked exasperated, "You know you aren't supposed to make deals with demons, they cheat you."

"I didn't know that at the time!" I shouted at her, "They kidnapped me while I running away, and I was scared, okay? I regret my choice, I really do. I should've just let them kill me right then and there. Now are you accepting the deal or not? I don't have time or the need to share my life story with you guys."

The three of them gathered together and whispered, and I holstered my gun. They wouldn't be able to get up here anyways. After a moment, they looked up and Seraphina nodded.

"We'll accept. What's your plan?"

"I have a 3 pound bag of salt with Metaphor's name on it. I want to pour it on her face."

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