Chapter 18- Seraphina

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I pulled Gil off to the side, wanting to have at least a semi-private conversation. "What were you and your companion doing around these areas?" I fired off to him.

He responded smoothly, "My sister and I were going to meet our family."

The young girl must have been his sister. I made a mental note about that and continued with the questions. "Where's this family of yours?" I asked.

"The forest," he said in response. "The Forest of Treymond."

I blinked at him, as a chill went through me. Was he a faerie? He sure didn't seem like one. I made another mental note of that and promised myself that I'd alert Menoroth of Gil. He didn't seem to be acting suspicious, but it was better to be safe than sorry. I got the feeling that Menoroth wanted to be alerted of anything that was out of the ordinary, faerie-related or not.

I glanced around, making sure that no one was eavesdropping. Funny, it felt as if something was missing. I turned back to Gil, and it hit me. "Gil, where's your sister?" I demanded. I didn't like it when people were on the loose.

Gil's head whipped back and forth as he searched for Rahne. "Where did she go?" he asked, a bit of panic creeping in his voice.

I motioned with my fingers, and one of the faerie soldiers, Jothrynn Methoshmiel, stepped to me. He had a questioning look on his face.

"Where is the companion of Gil?" I asked Jothrynn. He shook his head, signaling that he didn't know either.

My hand flew up and scratched my nose, something that I always did when there was nervous tension or if I was just plain irritated. Where did that girl disappear to?

"Looking for something, Commander?" Celaena called from yards away. She started walking towards me, and I was partially glad I couldn't see her facial expression clearly, because she was probably grinning.

I sighed. "Not something, Graceling. SomeONE." I cursed under my breath. Dear goodness, bad things seemed to take place at every turn. "Where's that girl that you helped?" I asked her, hoping that she'd actually give a good answer this time.

Celaena's brows scrunched up. "What? She's missing?" Celaena turned to the side and scanned the area. "I don't see her."

Panic, surprisingly, didn't settle in. I pulled my whip from the handle of my sword and took deep breaths. Where the hell was the girl? Seriously? I seemed as if everyone was making an effort to make me irritated or mad. Well, if they kept up with this, I'd SHOW them mad.

"Jothrynn. Round up the others. We're going after Rahne," I ordered. He seemed taken aback.

"Commander, we have orders to guard the-"

"Jothrynn," I said in warning. He shut up. "I'm not going to leave here until Rahne is found." Jothrynn nodded and headed toward the other faeries.

How had Rahne disappeared? Faerie wings, what was happening? ''What would Menoroth do if he were here? ''I frowned. Menoroth would blow up on everyone in the area and would find a way to set the entire place on fire.

"Commander Morgenstern!" one of the faerie soldiers called. "We've found some prints. They lead into the forest."

Oh, screw it all.


One of the giant leaves slapped me, of all things. Irritated, I shoved the leaf away as we proceeded into the forest. I tried to get into Rahne's mindset. Why would she wander into here? This place wasn't exactly pretty. It was dark, dank, and just plain spooky.

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