Chapter 21- Kairys

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"Kairys," Esond called.

I looked up from my work to see him standing beside the fire pit. "I have a problem," he started, without bothering with niceties.

"You know we're running out of supplies, right?"

I nodded. I had noticed the meals decreasing, the fires burning lower every night, and the other day I had been forced to watch as Esond turned away two Tainted children.

Normally, we put the children first in the camp. They were young, small, and confused, and had probably been mistreated. My heart had broken as they grasped their bony, grimy hands and walked away, world torn apart once again. They couldn't be much older than eight or nine years of age, but I knew we couldn't bear to support them.

"Eduír will be leading a raid, and I want you to go along."

That was a new one.

"Me?" I managed to choke out. "I've never been on a raid before."

"That's why I want you to go," Esond replied patiently. "Your training has been coming along well, and I need you to have this experience."

I think I knew what he was really saying. I needed this experience, because I might need to gain some skills for when the time came. When it was time to earn my Mark.

"In addition, Lakis is injured, and can't go. I'll ask Eduír to give you the information you need today."

"Who else will be going?" I asked.

"Apart from you and Eduír, Mora, Lare, Jessmy and Caeron. I don't know where Eduír is taking you guys. Talk to him."

Under Esond's facade of a douche, he really did care. Even though he was a huge jerk to me ninety percent of the time.

I wasn't just nervous because it was my first time on a raid. I was nervous because Eduír was leading it. I had no idea why, but he had some sort of personal grudge against my very existence. He hated my guts from day one, although he was one of the oldest people in camp. I had expected him to be one of the mature and more caring people.

That had been my first lesson in camp. Don't expect anything of other people, because they'll always let you down.

I had steered clear of Eduír for a couple months, and I hoped he'd be a little nicer to me. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? I snorted a little internally. Not a chance.

Eduír did indeed find me, just as I was finishing up my work. As suspected, he was a jerk. "Kairys." He said, by way of greeting. "Okay, look. I'm going to tell you this once, so pay attention, okay?"

I rolled my eyes as a response.

He barrelled on. "We're going to a cluster of forests in the north. I heard there was a camp of Kitsune there, and if my sources are correct, we'll catch them as they head to Falonde."

"We're going that far?"

As I had spent my entire life in a secluded camp in Valasea, my knowledge of Ellond geography was limited. But I knew the basic layout: Falonde and Imlad to the north, Belumon and Valasea to the south, Onellon standing to the side. A child's chant that everyone learned.

Eduír nodded, face like stone. "It will be a hard journey, but it's worth it. The Kitsune are sly, but they know where to get their stuff. And they have, unfortunately, a good memory for faces and names. You're going to need this." He handed me a mask, with slits for eyes. "I had it painted to match your armour."

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"We're going to be travelling through trees, mostly. Bring all of your supplies, but make sure you can fit it into one pack. I know how it is with you girls--bring only what's necessary, and make sure you don't slow us down, okay?"

I seethed in silent anger. He knew I had nothing. A few articles of clothing, and that was it. I didn't even have a pack. His patronizing smirk told me that he knew he was getting to me.

"So - when are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning. Break of dawn."


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