Chapter 59 - Rahne

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Sitting in the van for eight hours gave me plenty of time to think and assess. The markings on my arms from the Citadel had faded away, and much to my delight, the wound on my stomach was covered with new skin already, a scar forming across the area. That didn't bother me, scars were alright. What did bother me somewhat was how I got them. Obviously, it was just a matter of time before something killed me off, now, even angels wanted me dead. Which, that made me wonder again how long it was going to be before something did manage to kill me off. I supposed it didn't really matter, as it would happen inevitably, but still a little forewarning might be nice.

Shifting in my seat as Connall and Charlie switched places, I half listened as Gil questioned her and she gave the whole story. Well, a general overview of it, at least. After she had finished describing her life at home, it made an awful lot more sense that she would shoot the guy. I would have done so as well, if I had been in her shoes, perhaps a lot sooner. Charlie then went on to give another overview of her history in DC, which included no short of circumstantial involvement. From what I could gather, this Nathye person was quite the arse. And she was saying she wasn't going to kill anyone? Fat chance.

Rubbing my throat absentmindedly, I wondered just how badly this "plan" was going to go. Already, we had to deal with demons and our rather conspicuous appearance. I hadn't been to wherever DC was, but I assumed it was like any other city; bloodstained and heavily traveled clothes were suspicious. Now, adding into that, we had the possible involvement of the Feds. We'd already had run-ins with the police, something I didn't care to repeat.

Connall snored, making me jump; the entire van had been silent for a few minutes, making the sudden sound seem extremely loud. Frowning, I glared at him. Then paused. It had taken an obscene amount of time before I returned to this thought, but it dawned on me that Connall did look rather familiar. Though it was probably my imagination; I had been six when that happened, and barely remembered anything from that time at all. Everything was fragmented, and could easily have been manipulated by my own mind.

"What are you staring at..." he muttered, not even opening his eyes.

"Nothing." I turned to look out the opposite window, shifting as far from him as I could. With a groaning sort of sigh, he shifted, muttering under his breath. Ignoring him, I spent the rest of the hour convincing myself it hadn't been him. After all, he hated me, so it wouldn't have made any sense. But then that nagging came back, reminding me of how he helped during the fight. I tried to write it off as saving his own skin, but that didn't really make sense either. If anything, he wouldn't have been affected, especially not if I had killed myself doing whatever it was I did. Maybe it was just as a favor to Gil. That explanation made more sense. Frowning, I stared out the window, blinking when the van started to slow. It didn't look at all like a city.

"Are we there?" I leaned forward, probably getting my hopes up too much.

"Not yet, we're in Pennsylvania; the car needs gas," Charlie said, pulling off the main road and stopping at a gas station. "How do you turn this damn thing off..." She bent down, seemingly to mess with the circuitry.

"Just separate the two wires you're holding," Gil said, looking as though he were asleep. Well, half asleep anyway.

Muttering as she turned the car off, Charlie suddenly sat straight up, hitting her head on the steering wheel, causing Celaena to start.

"What is wrong with you?!" She gripped onto the back of the seat tightly while Charlie rubbed her head.

"Does anyone have any money?" Charlie sounded frantic. I certainly didn't. For a moment, the car was silent.

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