Chapter 39- Charlotte

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Charlotte's POV

The faint smell of demon ladies caught my attention a moment before they attacked me. I stiffened and tried to pull away as Metaphor jumped onto me, beating me to the ground a brandishing a knife. I kicked her, but to no affect. The knife still cut my face, arms, and close to my neck.

“WHAT-“ I started to say as I repeatedly tried to punch Metaphor before trying to crawl away. Now she was back to punching me, hitting my face a couple times before retreating. In a moment I had jumped up and attacked her, but she was able to push me back ten feet and onto my butt.

“Shut up, Charlotte. You know the role you have to play, we have to make it seem more realistic.” Metaphor smiled down at me as I got to my feet, glaring and trying to stop the oozing of blood coming from multiple knife wounds.

“I didn’t ask to be jumped,” I told her, still glaring. Simile was snickering behind Metaphor.

“And I didn’t ask for an ungrateful child who does not want to complete a deal.” She retorted.

“I fulfilled my part of the deal a long time ago.” I stepped even farther from the two witches, their smiles making me almost regret what I was about to do. “We going now? They might have some bandages for these wounds, Meta.” Making sure to use the name I knew got Metaphor riled up, I turned and jogged into the portal Simile had made in the other room.

Suddenly asphalt was beneath my stumbling feet. Barely managing to catch myself before I fell on my face in front of the demons, I turned, looking around the alley I was in.

“Sneak around,” Simile said. “If they get away from Jezebeth, they’ll probably head for a church. Meet them there.” And with that, they ran out of the alley and towards the screams coming from another area where I assumed the people I was supposed to ‘join’ were. 

I quickly patted my pockets and belts, making sure I had all my supplies. Guns, ammo, and explosives. I picked up a half full water bottle on the ground and splashed some in my hair, trying to make myself more roughed up and dirty than I really was before heading to the closest church.

From the looks of it, the group had beaten me to the church. Dodging around cops and curious pedestrians was not easy, and when I saw Simile and Metaphor, they glared at me and motioned towards the main doors of the church, which I promptly followed.

It would’ve been a good idea to enter slower, since the group was still armed and jumpy. I barged in and all of their hands went to their weapons, same with mine. If they were going to attack without questions, I was going to be ready. I stared at them, trying to get my act together before one of them spoke.

“Can we help you?” A tall dark haired man said. I was told before his name was Gil, but I wasn’t supposed to know that. Slowly, I took my hand off the pistol I was about to draw out.

“Did you see that scene out there? Freakin’ demons.” I moved my hand to my jacket pocket, which was specially designed to carry a knife but not look like it is. “Anyways, I’m looking for a place to escape from all that chaos, hide from the humans and other species. I hope I’m not infringing on your space?” I nodded to them, forcing a smile that I hoped looked slightly genuine. One of the faeries- the assassin I think- still had her weapons out, and not a very friendly look on her face. Metaphor and Simile want her dead, she’s too much of a wildcard.

“What’s your name?” One of them asked.

“Tricky question,” I lied. “If you return slaves to the Sidhe, my name is Nat Nicole from Iowa.”

“You’re a runaway?” Commander Seraphina Morgenstern asked. She looked only slightly more intimidating than others.

“Yep, captured when I was a toddler. Served a couple different people and when I saw my chance and ran. Anyways, I see a couple of you are faeries, so I’m guessing you’re not gonna give me back, right?” I took a step back, hoping to get the reaction I wanted. Because if they did decide to “take me back” I’ll be in trouble. When the Commander nodded, I went on.

“I’m Charlie. You guys?”

“Celaena Graceling.” The assassin said, “I make pottery and get into fights.” She walked up and shook my hand with an amused smile on her face. “You can travel with us, if you wish.”

“Uh, excuse me. You don’t get to decide this, Celaena.” The commander spoke up, pulling her towards the back of the group. “I’m Commander Seraphina Morgenstern of the Faerie Army. We need a few minutes to discuss some things.”

“Of course,” I said, making my way past them and towards a bathroom, “I gotta go anyways. You’ll be done when I get out, right?”

All I got was a grunt in response. I entered the bathroom and regarded myself in the mirror for a bit and rechecked my guns and ammo before washing my hands. A couple minutes later I walked back out of the bathroom, where the others were arguing.

“I’ll just…” I was about to say I’d go back in the bathroom for a bit, but a cop charged in, hand on his gun and regarded us. The others hand their hands on their weapons. For a split second I thought about doing the same, but I pushed past them, zipping up my jacket to further conceal the weapons.

“Hello officer, how can I help you?”

He stared at me for a moment before speaking. “Those people right there are wanted by the police for destruction of property and resisting arrest, and several other crimes. Please step aside.” He tried to move around me, but I stayed firm.

“Sir, this a church that will have none of this arresting going on. This is a place where we can all repent our sins and become a better person, and I must ask you to respect our Lord and Savior.” I tried for a pleasant but firm look, and it must have worked because he stepped back for a moment.

“Now wait a moment,” he said, but in a flare of anger I grabbed my gun and struck him in the head with the grip twice, and barely managed to not freak out when he fell on me, unconscious. One of the others helped me set him on the floor, and I started walking out the door when I gathered myself together.

“I have to go find another place to hide now, you’re welcome to come with.” I said, before heading for the door.

I figured even if they didn’t come, I’d meet up with them in another meeting by “chance” and we’d end up in a group either way.

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