Chapter 37- Celaena

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The smoke was everywhere, it poured out of a fissure in the ground and before Celaena could even try to close it back up, she took one sniff and started coughing. Closing her eyes and forcing her mouth shut, she backed up until she was out of reach of the fumes. Celaena gave one more cough before looking up at the scene in front of her.

Seraphina was pushing past pedestrians running away from the mist, holding up her shirt to cover her nose and mouth before going into the melee. Some of the others were doing the same, Kairys was barely making it out of the smoke cloud; she was crawling. Squinting, Celaena wondered where Gil and Rahne were, making out their shapes on the other side of the green gas cloud.

Suddenly one of their shadows were jerked back farther from the gas and then fell back, a shadow of someone else standing over them. Celaena unsheathed her swords, trying to decide if it was worth trying to jump back into the melee. Most of the soldiers were hacking their lungs up, but others like Jothrynn, Gil, and Seraphina were holding their breaths, going out of the cloud and going back in.

She decided to sneak around the group, hoping to take the demon out from behind, like she tried last time, but as the smoke cleared and Jezebeth was fully visible, Rahne was seen on the floor behind the demon, unconscious. Gritting her teeth, Celaena went and made a circle around the group, trying not to stand out as she grabbed Rahne and pulled her to a safer spot, propping her up against a building.

The others formed a weakened group against the powerful demon, fighting for all they were worth. Sanguis was probably giving Jezebeth the most trouble, constantly trying to bite her head off and clawing at her. The others needed support, but Celaena didn’t think an attack from the back would suffice, Jezebeth was too aware of everything around her.

Celaena circled back to the same front the others were on, right next to Sanguis. She took one look at Seraphina and smirked before flying onto the wolf’s back, knowing the reaction of the Commander would not be a nice one.

“Alright boy, back up,” Celaena told Sanguis, nudging him away from the battle. Sanguis was a bit confused at first, but allowed himself to back up and out of the fight.

“Now charge!” Celaena clapped her heels against his body, hoping it would work. It did, Celaena was almost catapulted off the beast as he charged in, ruining the line of soldiers and stampeding over the demon, who screamed beforehand.


Celaena whirled around to face several cops with their weapons drawn, and turning back, she noted they were surrounded. Jezebeth laughed before disappearing to who knows where, and Seraphina scowled at Celaena before dropping her weapons and putting up her hands.

Celaena didn’t put her blades down while the cops came in and took the others weapons and handcuffed the soldiers, Gil and the Commander were already speaking trying to get them out of the situation. Sliding down Sanguis’s back, a cop met her. “Put your weapons down, girl.”

Looking up, Celaena feigned uninterest in the tall but heavy weighted man. “No thanks, I am good.” She swung Corruption up, letting it pass in the space between them, “I prefer having them out, now back up.” She stepped forward, forcing the officer to back up and keep his distance before sheathing her swords. Glancing over his shoulder, Celaena could see Rahne stirring, and Sanguis making his way towards her, growling at cops who came near.

The ground rumbled as another cop came up to Celaena, but she didn’t hear her question. The cars were maybe a hundred yards away, and Celaena had no desire to ride in one. Instead, she focused on the earth, letting it split in half and swallow the cars before closing up again. An old woman lost her cane and started to swear at everyone around, but no one took notice. The jaws of the cops and pedestrians were dropped open.

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