Chapter 57 - Rahne

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It was definitely safe to say the plan to draw out Jezebeth had failed. Soon after Celaena had discovered the army, they discovered us. I wasn't quite sure how, but that didn't exactly matter. Nothing mattered except escape. I pushed myself faster, hearing the crashing sounds of a smaller group of pursuers behind me.

By some miracle, everyone had been able to get away before a group of them caught up. And by another, we were staying out of their grasp.

I focused on breathing; in our haste, Celaena was only able to do so much when it came to slowing them down. Although we most likely would have been able to take on the much smaller group of faeries, none of us stopped. I didn't know where we were going, nor did that matter as I wasn't the one choosing our direction. It was a good thing I wasn't, but perhaps not the best to let Connall lead either.

This became evident when Gil tried to salvage our escape route, but not fast enough to stop us from being cut off by what I assumed was a wingless faerie. After all, that's what he looked like. Sliding to a halt, I pulled out my knife, sensing there was no escape possible now. And judging from the look on everyone's faces, I was right. It was clear that Gil did not want to waste time on this particular situation as he drew his sword, immediately moving towards the nearest person; I did the same, reacting almost instantly to keep the other side from moving in. Celaena and Connall joined almost instantly as well, the latter not even bothering to take out a weapon before leaping into the fray.

Somehow, I managed to fend off the faeries fairly well, despite the fact I was fighting at least eight at the same time while making sure none of the others snuck up on me or someone else. It just so happened the man who had cut us off managed to end up in front of me, reaching for me. Instinctively, I moved back, slashing at his hand with my knife, which he dodged with surprising ease. Although it happened very fast, I still managed to keep myself out of his grasp as he knocked the knife out of my hand and moved to put me on the ground. It suddenly dawned on me that it was an angel, not a faerie; damn it. It should have been obvious when I first saw the guy.

As if knowing I had just figured it out, he smiled. "Come with us, and we won't hurt your friends." His voice was far too monotone for his own good.

I didn't believe him; I wasn't going with them, there was no way in hell. Sensing the hand before seeing it, I immediately threw an arm at him, simultaneously throwing an invisible barrier straight at him. Somewhat pleased that I had sent him stumbling back a bit, I gathered myself up and threw another one at him, this time succeeding in sending him flying back. "Go away!"

"Goddammit! Rahne, focus more on what you're doing," Connall growled, appearing in my peripheral while fending off an opponent's sword with his own.

I didn't have time to contemplate why he was actually helping me, instead immediately committing it to memory as the angel attacked. Narrowly, I missed, focusing everything on punching the guy; to my surprise, it actually worked, focusing the barrier in such a way that it sent the angel back.

Connall locked his opponent's blade and looked at me incredulously. "I said focus."

"I did!"

"You call that focus?!" With a quick movement, he kicked the faerie in the chest, twirling the sword before stabbing them. "You're gonna kill yourself and everyone else doing that-"

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