Chapter 50- Celaena

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Celaena's POV

Celaena stood next to the door of the tree, watching the others. She was not fond of Connall, or any of the other people in here, but she felt like she was wrapped up in this mess now. Maybe if she stuck with them, did something completely amazing, then the council would have to forget about all the charges they have on her if they ever did catch her again.

Looking around, Celaena decided that this place was not very homely. No kids were running around, and the only other person here was Connall, and she refused to believe he was their family. She watched Rahne wander around, looking at the décor and sighed loudly. Charlie gave her an irritated look, but that only made it more fun.

“So, is your automatic reaction to seeing a small animal is to shoot it?” Celaena asked, trying to keep up Charlie’s annoyance. She didn’t respond, just pursed her lips and looked away, walking towards another window instead. Fine. Celaena thought, My position will not get any better if I keep annoying everyone. With another sigh, Celaena glanced around, noting that Kairys was picking the dirt from her nails and watching them.

Charlie stumbled back, her eyes wide and face about ten shades paler than they were before. She hit against the back of a chair, slinking down so her head was below the window. “I…I thought I killed her.” She managed to say, “Why isn’t she dead?” Charlie’s eyes started watering and Celaena shifted from foot to foot and frowned, not really sure how to deal with that emotion.

“What do you mean?” she asked, instead of offering the comfort Celaena figured would be appropriate for the situation.

“S… Simile’s out there!” Charlie pointed outside at the window. At first glance Celaena could not see anything but Rahne sitting on a tree branch hanging close to the window, which seemed like a good idea at the moment. Celaena would much rather switch places with Rahne, comforting people was not exactly her forte. Turning back towards the human, Celaena held her hand out, deciding not to answer her ranting. Maybe she needed water.

Charlie refused to take the offer as Celaena waved her hand impatiently at her as Connall and Gil’s voices began to rise. She wanted to listen in, but somehow ended up helping the girl. Celaena gave an exasperated look at Kairys and brought her hand back to her side.

“Just kill me, Celaena.” Charlie looked up at her desperately Why was she acting like this? Celaena considered for a second before shrugging and taking out Corruption.

“What? No!” Kairys spoke up, followed by a large crash and whoop of maniacal laughter. Everyone jumped. Looking out the window, Celaena could not see Rahne’s figure anymore. She spun around again as Gil and Connall ran in, pointing towards the window.

“Simile has Rahne” The pieces clicked, and within a moment Celaena was jumping out the window, unfurling her wings and becoming airborne. Killing Simile would be a pleasure. It would be payback for her broken arm, her lack of sleep, and landing her in the position she is in now.

Celaena circled above, happy to have the freedom of her wings spread out again. Simile was radiating a smell, half of her face was burned and stood about fifty feet away. Scanning, Celaena searched the ground for Rahne, surely Simile had her near. Connall, Gil, and Kairys had rushed out and were now beginning to fight, but Simile was looking for blood. The demon quickly managed to knock the three of them down with minor cuts, but they got back up right away and continued their attack. She was needed with them, but first she had to find Rahne, she could help in the fight…

A grunt sounded from above, so Celaena looked up and to her surprise, saw Rahne holding tight to a tree branch with her hands, her feet dangling in the air. She was about fifty feet up, and her eyes were shut closed. “Rahne? How’d you get up there?” she flapped her wings and circled around the tree.

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