Chapter 13- Celaena

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“I'm assuming we are leaving right away?” Celaena asked another question.

“We leave tomorrow, you'll be spending tonight in a cell.” Seraphina answered, leading the assassin out of the meeting, and going back on guard duty. “And you are also going to sit here, until all the members are out.” Celaena did as she was told, sensing no reason to argue with her just yet.<

After awhile, the council members started shuffling out of the door. Nathye and Menoroth came to talk to each of them. Menoroth pulled Seraphina aside, whispering to her. They both looked ready to lunge at each other. Nathye smirked in my direction, coming closer so only I could hear him when he spoke.

“You're welcome, Graceling. I bought you some time.”

“Yes, time that will be spent as prisoner.” she spat.

“Hey,” he shrugged, “I figured it was better than dying. Or going crazy.

“You just want me to still be available for your dirty work.” Celaena stuck out her chin, urging the earth down.

“Maybe, but you owe me now. I'll see you when you get back. And try not to get killed by a demon, Graceling.” With his famous smirk, Nathye stood from his crouching position and walked away. Celaena took a few moments to calm herself, telling herself that Nathye was a madman she should never have gone into business with.

Menoroth and Morgenstern finished talking soon after. Seraphina ordered Celaena to get up as soon as the Supreme General left. When asked where they were going, Seraphina told her to the prison for the night.

“I would like to gather my things first.” Celaena mentioned, as she stood fully up, only getting help from the wall.

“What things?” Seraphina raised her voice, exasperated. “I have Corruption.”

"Corruption has a sister blade, Commander. She's not the only weapon I have. Besides, if we're staying there long, I need to have some changes of clothes.” She shifted her stance to signal her annoyance, but got the feeling that Morgenstern didn't care.

The Commander glared at her before looking up at the sky,“Where's your stuff?”

“Follow me, I'll show you my home.” Celaena beamed, but figured she was going to have to relocated after this. Which is a shame, she really liked that tree.

“Nooooo,” Seraphina drawled out, grabbing the top bottom of Celaena's hood, sending her reeling back and almost falling. “What?” Cel asked, annoyed.

Not answering, she whistled to two guards roaming the grounds. They came over right away, obediently. Celaena smirked, feeling sorry for them. Not having their own minds. The Commander filled them in, and told them each to take one of Celaena's arms. They did so, roughly. Seraphina nodded to Celaena, telling her to go on.

“I am not going to kill you, Commander.” Celaena huffed as they walked. “You can tell your guards to unhand me and maybe untie my hands.” One of the guards stifled a laugh while Celaena drew a breath in.

“That's not an option. You are a high risk criminal.”

“I have killed those I was hired to. I have not been hired to kill you yet. And you should be thankful, I've killed several creatures with plans on destroying the council, or starting a war with another species.”

“Yes, I am so thankful.” Seraphina was behind Celaena, but she swore she could hear her eyes rolling. She didn't speak until she stopped in front of her tree. There was a moment while the others examined it. Celaena got ready to say goodbye to her home.

“My hands need to be untied for me to gather my stuff.” She pointed out, breaking the silence.

“Where are your weapons?” The Commander asked instead of untying her.

Celaena took bit her lip for a few seconds before responding. “In the back. My blade is hanging up on the wall from a strap, and there should be a jewelry box with eight silver spiked rings on the shelf next to it. My clothes are in the drawers underneath the shelf.” The Commander signaled for one of the guards to go into her tree, and grabbed her arm instead. “May your guards also grab my pottery stuff?” Celaena added on a second thought.

“Pottery?” Seraphina asked, confused.

“Yes, if things are going to be like this the whole time, I need something to do.”

“Got any smaller hobbies?”

Celaena sighed and bit her lip. “Also on the shelf, there's a leather book. I'll take that.” The guard came back, carrying all the supplies Celaena required and then they started making their way back to the center. She stared at the big oak tree, wishing it a silent farewell before the guards jerked her forward.

She went into the jail cell without causing any trouble after her hands were untied, with a warning that the bars where made of iron. Inside the cell was a toilet and a thin bed. Seraphina stopped outside the cell.

“I'll be here for you tomorrow morning, we're leaving quickly.”

“Aye aye, Commander!” Celaena mock saluted and sat on the bed, noting that Seraphina was still there. She seemed to be taking deep breaths before slowly leaving the cell entrance, double checking that it was locked shut.

Celaena smiled warily and sunk to the floor, drawing up her knees to her chest and resting her head on them.

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