Chapter 6- Celaena

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Celaena's feet dangled from the end of a strong branch of her old oak tree. She was leaning against the trunk, watching over a dozen faeries making their way to the courtyard, the center of the Forest of Treymond. It was about twenty minutes from here, but hard to fly to due to the close proximity of the trees. This was more traffic in the forest that usually happened. The only time so many faeries traveled that way was when the Council had a meeting going on, and those didn't happen all the time.

Shifting on her branch, she fluttered down and grabbed her hood and cloak, and hid one of her blades, Corruption, inside. Only members of the council and guards were allowed to carry weapons during a meeting, but Celaena wasn't one for rules. Nimbly, she began to make her way to the courtyard, pulling her hood up and sticking to the shadows. It was best for her not to be seen, Celaena has not answered to a many of her crimes, or her parents.

Twenty minutes later Celaena stood outside the entrance to the courtyard, just staring at the beauty of it. She's lived there most of her life, but still had to stop any time she came to courtyard. People shuffled around her, and she was surprised to find that there was a meeting going on. Usually, the fae were alerted of this a bit before hand.

The meeting had already started, she couldn't see any of the members of the council outside. A single guard stood outside the entrance. She had bright red hair and green eyes. Celaena recognized her after a moment: Seraphina Morgenstern, commander of the faerie army and daughter of Alaric Morgenstern. She's more than just dangerous. Celaena made a wide path between them, being caught would not be a pleasant experience, especially here.

She ducked her head before making her way to the back of the building. No entrance was over here, and guards weren't necessary since there was no way to get through the thick stone wall. When Celaena was younger, she would play spy with her friends, help hoist each other up and joke around until some one would chase them off. Instead of being hoisted up, Celaena jumped in the air and moved the dirt into the form of a stair case that ended so her head was just under the opening of the dome. She would fly, but the air faeries were on constant alert during the meetings. She would be knocked down before she could even properly unfold her wings.

"...can't let demons running around, breaking seals." a gruff voice shouted with a sound of wood against wood.

"It's the angels problem if all of the seals are broken though. This isn't an immediate concern of ours." Another faerie, probably Sabila, Celaena figured, said.

"But if all the seals are broken, we'll be in serious trouble." A voice spoke up, and the pang of memory hit Celaena's stomach region. That was her mother.

"We need to at least offer our support to angels. Help the guard the seals. A ton of them have already been broken, a few of them by our own kind." she continued with an air of authority.

"Hey!" a voice that was not from inside, called up. Startled, Celaena almost fell off the small stair case. Regaining her composure, she looked down to see the Commander starting to walk up the small stair case. "What are you doing up there? This is a meeting, get down."

"Sure." Holding her hood up to make sure it didn't fall off, Celaena collapsed the staircase, dirt flying back to the space it was before. Celaena landed on her feet, a bit wobbly. Seraphina didn't seem like she was expecting that to happen, and landed on her back. Taking the chance, Celaena ran into the woods, dodging trees and hitting branches left and right.

Celaena looked back once, watching as Seraphina sprinted towards her, making up for lost time. Looking back in front of her, she tried to jump over a stream, but her foot hit a rock and she went down face first into the stream bed.

"Argggh!" Celaena yelled in frustration as she got back up, but Seraphina was too close to possibly get a good head start on. Instead, she used her magic to pick up a decent sized rock and throw it at her. Seraphina easily dodged it before being upon Celaena, sword drawn and pointed at her neck.

"Out of the stream. No magic." She ordered, a glare directed at Celaena. She complied, hands up by either side of her face, to suggest the use of no magic. "What's your name?"

Slowly, Celaena made her way out of the stream, not wanting the sword going through her throat. "I'd rather not answer that, Commander."

"Uh-huh, figures" Seraphina nodded, motioning with her other hand to move forward. Once she did, Seraphina bounded Celaena's hands behind her back, and ripped off the hood, revealing her light brown hair and red cheeks. Celaena was tempted to make a run for it as Seraphina searched her for weapons, but decided against it, since the sword was still at her neck.

"Now, what in the name of the Croí is this?" Seraphina exclaimed, pulling my blade out of its sheathe. "Were you going to use it on a council member?"

"First, that blade is called Corruption, handle it carefully. And second of all, no I was not. I was just snooping and being a nuisance, so you can let me go. Won't happen again." Celaena snapped indignantly.

"Can't, actually." Seraphina replied back. "Only members of the guard and Council are allowed weapons in the courtyard during a meeting, and you've been caught snooping. Come with me." Seraphina grabbed Celaena's bound hands and pushed her forward, Celaena trudged back in the direction of the courtyard, fuming with anger. She was stupid, should have left the snooping to her informants. Nothing good ever happens when she's in that courtyard.

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