Chapter 16- Celaena

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Celaena had to admit, that whip of Morgenstern's was pretty bad ass. It would probably take only a flick of her wrist to have that thing wrapped around Celaena's throat, something she did not want to experience. She thought it better than to push Seraphina's buttons this early in the morning, and decided to do what she was told without comment, at least for the time being.

She was curious about who else was assigned to this mission, though the thought of being in the presence of both Morgenstern and Menoroth sent shivers up her spine. She was relieved when Menoroth left, and Seraphina took her and the others to gather the mounts.

"Oh sranje," Celaena gasped as Symor Rurden, one of the accompanying soldiers, brought out a griffin for the Commander. "I haven't seen one before." The griffin was big, like two or three feet taller than Celaena. It's hind legs and back was that of a lion, and its head and chest were of eagle, white and brown feathers mixed into an amazing swirling pattern. It's wing span brought faerie wings to shame.

Seraphina smirked, loading on bags and packs for the trip. "Not even while you snuck around trying to kill people?"

Celaena almost ignored her, but felt the urge to answer her anyways, "I've never had to go inside this building on a job, Commander." The soldiers appeared again, this time in tow with some of the faerie army standard traveling eagles.

"Anyways, Commander," Celaena turned, facing her directly. "I would like my weapons now, in case we come across something."

"Hmmm, no." Seraphina answered right away. "You aren't getting your weapons until we absolutely need you to hold them."

"How am I supposed to guard the seal if I don't have my weapons on me?" Celaena asked, scrunching her eyebrows.

"We'll see about that later. Now get on your eagle." Seraphina turned and squatted down, tying a rope to her griffin's hind leg.

"No, not until I get my weapons back." The Commander slowly stood up, glaring at the assassin. She motioned to the other soldiers, who all grabbed at the small, four foot seven inch faerie. Celaena managed to duck and punch one of the soldiers, she didn't know who, but yelled when one of them got her in a choke hold, the others quickly followed by grabbing her arms and pulling them behind her back, and holding her legs to prevent kicking.

"Let go of me, stupid apes!" Celaena yelled, panting and struggling. Their grips were strong, and struggling with five trained soldiers would lead her nowhere, so she stopped. One of them jerked her head up so she could see Seraphina advancing towards her stopping only when she was in arms length of Celaena. Celaena's heart sped up, ''I'm dead'', she thought.

"You will do what I tell you to do, Celaena Graceling. You are my prisoner, and I am your commander. If you don't, I'll show you how I use my whip." Seraphina enunciated each word, with a deadly sort of calm, though her eyes looked like she was about to murder someone, her. "Understand?"

Celaena did not want to give Seraphina the satisfaction of possibly hearing her voice shaking, but nodding was not an option at this point. "Yes, Commander." She glared back, biting her lip. The ground was starting to shake from her being furious, but Celaena managed to keep it somewhat under control. The two stared at each other for a moment, before Seraphina casually ordered her soldiers to drop the assassin. Celaena fell, managing to swing her arms around to brace herself before she hit the ground.

"Now get up, sit on your eagle, and wait for us to be finished."

She nodded and quickly got up, dusting herself off. Some of the soldiers where snickering, but a quick glare stopped them. She fluttered her wings, allowing her to slowly land on the top of the eagle, and sat there in silence until everyone was ready. Celaena noticed a coil of rope was tied around the front leg of her eagle, connecting to Seraphina's griffin. After demanding instructions on how to control the beast, they took off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

About half an hour later, the novelty of flying with something other than her wings had worn off, and now Celaena was just scanning the tops of trees, bored. She was in the middle of the eagle formation, with someone on either side and three people behind, all spread out. Every once in awhile, there would be a clearing with some interesting house, or a small gathering that could resemble a village.

Two fast minutes later, we were above another small clearing, barely a crack in the trees when Rathkin Droetem, the soldier on her left, sped his eagle up to talk to the Commander. He quickly reached back to the rest, yelling about going down to that clearing. Looking back down, a big box could be seen, and it looked like a fight was happening, though it was hard to see.

Seraphina descended with her griffin, the eagles following point, until they all thundered to the ground. All five soldiers and the commander jumped off their eagles and drew their weapons, charging into the melee that was occurring. Several kitsune, shape shifting, two tailed foxes, were attacking a humanoid looking creature, who seemed to be fighting for his life.

Celaena climbed off her eagles back, "IS ANYONE GOING TO TELL ME WHERE MY WEAPONS ARE?!" she yelled, but no one apparently heard, nor cared, because they immediately engaged in combat. Celaena cringed as she watched Seraphina flick her wrist, causing one of the kitsune to yelp and be dragged a few feet before she was off again, attacking another. She was kinda glad Seraphina hadn't completely lost it and attacked her with it earlier. Angrily, Celaena ran towards the fight unarmed.

Before getting to the main attraction, Celaena eyed a young blonde girl, also unarmed, fighting one of the kitsune, who was trying to slash at her with a knife. Celaena almost ran past, but then turned to her left suddenly, launching herself on the kitsune's back. It screamed and was thrown against the wooden box, completely off balance. Celaena took its hand/paw and slammed it against the box until the knife fell out of its hand, and then jumped off its back to land on the ground, arm against its throat. It struggled, clawing her arm.

Gritting her teeth, she quickly let go of its neck, but jumped up, slightly using her wings for leverage, and kicked the kitsune on the side of its head, right as it turned around to lunge at its new threat. The kitsune collapsed on the ground, moaning, slowly beginning to rise again. Celaena stared at it, smirking, right before the knife hit the back of its shoulder. It screeched, and fell again. Celaena stomped on its neck for good measure,crushing it while looking at the girl who had thrown the knife.

She breathed and nodded. "Nice job."

The two stared at each other for a moment, "Thanks." the girl spoke for the first time in the fight.

Celaena turned, to get back to the main melee, but the others had taken care of everything, tying up the ones they did not kill to a tree. The humanoid guy was leaning on the box, explaining the apparent situation to Seraphina.

"- slave traders, probably taking us to Fallonde." The guy shrugged. "Thank you, Commander Morgenstern."

"It wasn't any trouble, Gil." she replied, looking at the captives, then spotting Celaena. "What're you doing?"

"Just wondering if you want me to put the body anywhere, Commander." Celaena swore up and down that at least five people cussed. Most of them were from the captives, but the guy whose name must be Gil and Seraphina both jumped at her words.

"What body?" Seraphina asked, as Gil half walked, half jogged over to see, seemingly concerned. Seraphina came, only slower.

"The body of one of the kitsunes, attacked that girl and we fought it back." Celaena explained, pointing at other. "Told you I needed my weapons, Commander." she added, putting on a bright smile.

The Unknown RPजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें