Chapter 22- Seraphina

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My hand tightened around Inferni as my other hand held my whip. The hairs on the back of my neck rose slightly. "How do you know this, Gil?" I asked warily.

Gil glanced off into the forest. "I can sense these things," was his reply.

Jothrynn stepped to the front and nearly slipped again. I turned, wanting to smack him when I saw what exactly he was standing in. Another puddle of slime. I made a face at it, completely disgusted. What in Ellond was this?

Carefully, I nudged the puddle with the tip of my boot. Jothrynn shot me a warning glance. As other faeries came in to investigate, I was almost pushed into the puddle. "What do you think this is?" I asked the others. No one could provide an answer, not even Gil or Rahne.

Before I could completely place my entire foot in the puddle of goop, I felt a hand hit my back and shove me over. I lost my balance, and in that moment, I wished desperately that I had wings. No such luck. I twisted midair to avoid falling into the slime. I hit the ground hard, my chin digging into the forest floor.

A few moments later, I saw a large ball of slime land on the ground a few yards in front of me. I put two and two together and realized that this wasn't a good situation.

As I stared at the new slime puddle, dazed, the others turned their heads to the right. A few gasps hit my ears. I turned to look at what was wrong, and saw something that injected terror straight into my bones. In front of us, there was a huge, green lizard. It was scaly and covered with slime.

I made a noise as I tried not to throw up. The slime had come from this gruesome creature.

The lizard roared, but didn't charge. "It's calling more of it's friends!" Gil shouted. He grabbed Rahne's arm and pulled her away. "We need to run while we can. These things aren't friendly."

I stepped away from the slime, my heart pounding. Jothrynn took my arm and helped me away. Celaena's wings moved, and she hovered over the ground. I gritted my teeth. I was at a disadvantage, wasn't I? The winged faeries took to the air, and the others held onto each other to avoid losing their balance.

"Where should we head to?" Celaena called to me.

"Anywhere. Anywhere that isn't in this stupid forest," I growled back at her. This forest was going to be the death of us all if we didn't manage to find our way out soon. Flying monkeys and slimy lizards? Really? It seemed as if nature was battling us at every turn, even though we were trying to save it.

Jothrynn took to the air. He slipped his hands under my arms and lifted me into the air. I let out a small gasp of surprise. I was... flying. Maybe Jothrynn's wings weren't mine, but I was actually ''flying. ''Jothrynn didn't seem to notice my absolute pleasure in this. ''How are you happy, Seraphina?! You're running from mutant lizards, get a grip! ''I winced as Menoroth's loud voice hit my ears. Okay, so, yeah, it wasn't exactly good that I was enjoying myself in this.

I twisted around slightly to get a good look at what was lurking behind us. All I saw was a fuzzy blob racing towards us. "JOTHRYNN, FLY HIGHER!" I screamed at him, frantically slapping his arm.

His wings gave a huge flap, and we streaked into the air. Below us, I saw the ball of slime fly through the air and hit a tree, exploding everywhere. I was about to turn my attention back to the area behind us, when I realized that the tree was now letting off a bit of smoke. The slime seemed to be eating away at the tree, with a very fast pace.

"IT'S ACIDIC!" I yelled for the others to hear. "THE SLIME IS ACIDIC!"

Jothrynn nearly dropped me, and I shrieked. At this point, I wasn't even going to feel any shame for screaming like a little girl. We just needed to get out of here, and fast. The winged faeries dived down and each took hold of those without wings. Celaena grabbed onto Rahne and pulled her into the air. Rahne shot a worried glance toward Gil, who was in the hands of another faerie.

"You DO realize that we can't leave this forest, right?" Jothrynn asked. "At least, not yet."

"What's stopping us?" I asked. Before Jothrynn could open his mouth, I answered my own question. Well, more like Menoroth answered my question. ''The seals, you idiot. That's the whole point of this mission. Find the seal, and guard it.''

The last thing I wanted to do was turn around and face the giant lizards.

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