Chapter 38- Rahne

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Everything was black. Not like the kind of black you'd see at night where there's still some light, but pitch black, where even thinking about seeing anything is impossible. Adding to the already disturbing notion of complete blackness was the fact that I couldn't remember how I got here. Wherever here was. Taking a deep breath, I tried to focus. Where had I been before appearing here?

For a few terrifying moments, nothing happened... until finally I remembered.


Somehow knowing that shifted the blackness. Gradually, it became lighter, finally revealing my surroundings. Once again, nothing was familiar; the room was enormous, with twelve gilded pillars holding up the vaulted ceiling. Intricate carvings of geometric shapes covered the ceiling, the design twisting itself around the pillars to the floor. Covering the walls were ornate tapestries in blue, gold, and green with strange words I couldn't read forming the border around bizarre scenes. The room itself was completely empty, as it seemed, allowing for the highly polished stone floors inlaid with precious stones to be fully visible. As I looked around, I noticed the door, which was almost as tall as the room was. Just looking at the behemoth, there was no way I would be able to move it by myself. Wondering if there was another way out, I began to search the room for any other sort of opening.

By now, I had the distinct feeling I was being watched, which added to the already slightly eerie feeling of the empty room. Shadows seemed to move on their own volition, something I tried to ignore and focus solely on finding a way out. On the wall opposite the door, I came across a small opening just below a gigantic stained glass window. Unfortunately, it was too far up for me to reach, and seemed to be too small. How on earth do people get in here without the giant door, then?

Well, maybe they didn't... after all, the room didn't seem like it was used for much anyway. "Fantastic," I muttered.

It is, isn't it? The hair on the back of my neck rose as I heard the voice. The design was based on the temple of Solomon. Although I prefer this one to the original, for multiple reasons.

"Maybe," I turned to face him, "it's because you got kicked out of the angelic fanclub."

Or maybe I got bored with the idea of watching over humans for eternity.

"What does that make you, a demon?"

Doirich's eye twitched ever so slightly. Fallen. Not demon.

"Close enough," I muttered, somewhat enjoying his annoyance. "What do you want?"

You seem to be the only one who doesn't know what's going on. What, did that boy not tell you anything?

"I don't think you actually care. This is one of your little mind games, which I'll tell you now won't work."

Suit yourself. But you have to admit, you don't know much at all. If he can't even tell you something as simple as what's going on, how can you be sure he ever will?

"Oh, and you're any better? Please. And I'm fairly sure you are a demon."

The light flickered a bit as his annoyance grew. Fallen. There's a difference.

"Whatever. You never answered my question, what do you want?"

Obviously, no longer being trapped. That's what we all want, my dear.

"Well you got the wrong person to help you with that, so if you'll kindly leave me alone..."

I'm afraid you're wrong. You'll see, should your friend decide to ever tell you anything.

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