Chapter 34- Rahne

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"I know where we are," Gil had a muffin in one hand, a knife in the other, and shot a particularly dangerous look towards our fairly large group. "Follow me, and look like you belong." He cut off a retort the commander was about to say, then strode off. Eyeing the others, I followed him, not really caring if they came or not. They ''were'', after all, free to do whatever the hell they please. Unfortunately, though, they followed as well, carrying off various food items and stuffing them into their mouths. I looked around, trying to piece together where we were, but couldn't figure it out. But it didn't matter anyway. I could survive in Mundanus, I knew almost everything about it. How it worked, how the people acted, and added bonus there was a lack of giant, disturbing animals from hell.

Gil got us out of the street as quickly as possible into an alley, away from gawking people. Several people, who lived on the streets as it appeared, looked up from whatever they were doing and watched us carefully. "Ey, Fannon," a somewhat familiar-looking guy leaning on the brick wall lazily pushed himself back into a standing position and walked over. "You missed the boat."

"You were late, Connall."

The guy took us all in, pausing when he saw the giant wolf standing next to the commander. "The entourage...?"

"Unexpected turn of events, I'll explain later. Right now, we need clothes." He eyed the lot of us. "And food, if you have it."

The guy snorted. "We have food, but never enough. I'll send some guys out... in the meantime, those clothes and that explanation."

"Who are these people?" I whispered to Gil while Connall walked off, gesturing for everyone to follow him. Without responding, Gil followed, thoroughly frustrating me. Keeping quiet, however, I followed.

"Can these people be trusted..." I could hear the commander say in a low voice. Shrugging, I glanced over at our group, frowning at the pink-haired girl. She appeared to be confused, scared maybe, and was following us out of lack of any other idea. I wasn't sure why she was there, but I doubted she had any idea either, so it was pointless to even ask.

Connall led us inside a large, but abandoned, concrete structure that might have been an apartment building, and into a fairly small room with what I guessed were living spaces marked off with plastic bags taped to the low ceiling. The far wall was completely walled off with plastic bags, which Connall went behind. Gil, however, didn't follow, eyes darting around the room. Convinced nothing was hiding where it shouldn't be, he turned to Celaena. "You let her out?"

"I didn't," she paled. "Honest, I didn't..."

Gil rubbed his forehead, seemingly frustrated. "Well, she's out. Explain that."

"I don't know, but I didn't set her free."

Narrowing his eyes, Gil turned to the pink-haired girl. "And you are..."

"Kairys..." she shifted uncomfortably.

"And you don't know how you got here?"



"Here you are," Connall reappeared with an armful of clothes, tossing shirts and jeans to everyone. "Girls, change over there if ya please," he pointed in one direction. "Guys on the other side. Oh, and Fannon..." Gil paused long enough to catch the bandanna Connall threw him. "Almost forgot."

Gil nodded and disappeared behind the curtain of plastic. Looking at the bundle of clothes in my arms, I waited until everyone else had finished changing before quickly putting on the slightly oversized clothes. I was beginning to regret giving my boots to Gil now, as I didn't have another pair. In addition, my kit was tucked in a box on his motorcycle, so I didn't have anything that was ''mine'' either... This charity business didn't suit me too much. Neither did Gil, with his tendency to create more questions rather than give out answers.

I hesitated a moment before going back out into the main part of the room, walking on the backs of my jean legs to avoid stepping on the cold concrete floor. Connall frowned at me, then spoke to Gil quietly. The others were already sitting around a tin can that appeared to be a stove or something, and they were eating. Eating what, I didn't know. Regardless, I glanced back at Connall, swearing I knew him from somewhere, then went over and sat between two of the soldiers whose names I didn't know. They didn't pay me any mind, more focused on the food in their hands. I preferred that at least. Something gave me the nagging suspicion I didn't want to know what Gil was telling this Connall person, but that I would find out anyway.

Connall appeared in my field of vision, rubbing his nose. "Can I speak to you a moment," Gil said quietly somewhere to my right. Standing up, I followed him back, feeling more or less like a little kid again.

"What is it, what's going on?"

"Connall's agreed to hide us for a few days, but now that demon's out, we can't stay in one place too long."

"What about them?" I gestured towards the rest of the group.

"It would be best if they were to go back to Ellond, but I'm not sure they'll agree to that." He frowned, eyeing his shoes. "I forgot to grab you some boots..."

"You cannot focus..."

"Course I can, are you hungry?"

"Umm... no?"

"When was the last time you ate, Rahne."

I blinked at the unexpected question. "Uhh..."

"That's what I thought. Go get something to eat, I've got to find some boots. Oh, and don't mind Connall, he's in a mood."

I frowned. "Are you ever going to tell me anything?"

"Eventually. But for now, eating," he pointed towards the group. I made a face, which he returned, then walked back to the group and sat down. Gil didn't follow, instead disappearing between the curtains of plastic. Ignoring a look from Connall, I sat down. I didn't ''want'' to eat, I'd much rather have answers. I grabbed a packet of crackers, settling on eating that. After all, he didn't say how much I had to eat.

It was deathly quiet for a time, until the people Connall had been with returned carrying white plastic bags. Setting the bags in the circle, they disappeared behind various curtains before someone finally said something.

"Who exactly are you?" the commander narrowed her eyes at Connall.

"Me? An acquaintance, dollface. Best underground in this godforsaken town, so your friend Gil over there recruited us after keeping us from getting eaten by a nasty vampire a few years back."

The commander's face hardened. "What do you mean, underground?" I cut her off before she had the chance to yell at him.

"I mean we keep an eye on the portals. Seals too, if we happen to find any."

"Oh... so what do you do, exactly?"

"Keep an eye on any demonic activity and make sure they're not going after the Seals. There have been more than usual lately, and we've lost a lot of people to the geezers. Course now, it's a bit different, isn't it?"

I stared at him, somewhat confused by the look he gave me. Gil cleared his throat, having appeared in his usual unseen manner, and gave a particularly nasty look to Connall. "Here you are, Rahne, boots." Setting the pair in my lap, he found a place to sit down and rummage through his bag. I frowned. ''His'' bag, the one he'd left in Ellond. Deciding to not mention it in present company, I pulled on the boots. "So, Commander." Gil didn't look up from what he was doing. "You still want to take us to the council, or have you been otherwise swayed?"

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