Chapter 62- Charlotte

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Being in a safe house in Minnesota sounded like a great idea, and it was for the most part. We were safe from the eyes of other humans, and there was some magic thingy that managed to keep away any other creatures that could possibly be interested in coming inside. I hoped that counted demons too. The only problem was that there was almost nothing to do but wait for Rahne to get better and the portal to shift. Celaena had fallen asleep again, Gil and Connall kept whispering to each other, and Rahne was asleep in another room. I sighed, standing up and stretching. "Can I have the money you two have?"

Both guys looked at me oddly. "What for?" Connall grunted.

"Snacks. Medicine too, I'm sure it could help Rahne." I added as an afterthought. They brought out their money, handing it to me. "Thanks. I'll be back soon." With that, I left. I wasn't exactly sure which city we were in, but it was busy and difficult to navigate. Eventually I found an old looking convenience store.

While the store was old, the man behind the counter looked even older. He had to be in his seventies or eighties; he was missing most of his hair and a few teeth. I touched the handle of my gun in comfort, it was well hidden underneath this shirt people in Demense gave me.

"'Ello." The man said, before looking back down at some kind of puzzle. I nodded before diving in, finding some Tylenol for Rahne. It should bring down her fever. After the Tylenol, I went around and looked at the food. I grabbed a candy bar for everyone, along with some popped, healthy-looking popcorn, a bag of chips, and a box of cookies. I also grabbed a gallon of water, after all the snacks were gone, drinking would be important.

As the old man rang up my items, I noticed he had a small television switched to the news channel. My picture was being shown, along with my last known location: Washington DC.

"Can you turn that up, sir?" I asked the old man, who was punching in some numbers. He nodded, turning the television up before grabbing the money I gave him and making change.

"Charlotte Rowe has managed to slip past the government's hands again during her trek to Washington DC after being a suspect in her father's, Edward Rowe, murder. Julia Rowe, the mother to Charlotte is adamant that the nineteen year old suspect killed him, saying that she was always violent towards her two brothers, Corporal Marc Rowe and Christopher Rowe." I bit my lip, trying not to say anything. Violent was stretching it, especially when Mom and Dad were the most violent out of the whole family. Yeah, I used to wrestle my brothers, and I used to try my hardest, but that was because they were three and six years older than me.

The man handed me the change, also watching the screen. They were apparently calling Marc, wanting to see his opinion on the topic. At the bottom of the screen was a hotline for information involving my whereabouts.

"Corporal, do you think your sister killed your father?"

"I certainly hope not, ma'am. I know she ran away from them, but I had hoped she would have put it all behind her." I could not help but snicker at his words as the interviewer asked what he meant by that, but he refused to elaborate. The phone number on the screen was tempting...

"You kinda look like her, kid." The old man said, peering back at me. "What's your name?"

"I'm Kristen," I replied, hoping they never used my middle name on television. "I get that a lot, it's weird."

"Are you sure you're not that Rowe kid?" The man asked again, squinting at me and tilting his head to the left. I don't know why he would expect me to tell the truth.

"I'm sure, sir." I reassured, picking up the change and the bags. I had to get out of here before he did something stupid. Stopping, I stared at the television again.

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