Chapter 1- Rahne

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I rubbed my hands together, trying once more to reach the glimmer of silver sitting prettily atop a clump of dead leaves under a grate. My arm was just short of reaching the treasure, so I had laid down on the street, reaching as far as I could. With a small jolt of triumph, my fingers found the smooth metal and carefully pulled it up to me. Eyeing the people around me, I stood up before examining what I had found; it was a metal disk, completely smooth and about the size of the end of my thumb, with no markings at all on it's surface. Although I had no clue what it was, I pocketed it before resuming my walk. Often, there were things just lying around I could use, and that was the purpose of my walk. Absentmindedly, I waved away a bug that was flying around my head when I noticed a small stand set up just outside a store. Although it was just being used to entice customers to go inside the store itself, my eyes lit up. Shirts. I had needed a new one ever since that chance meeting with a goblin maybe a month ago. I had kept a few of the scraps I hadn't used for bandages, but other than that, it wasn't useful anymore. Glancing both ways, I crossed the street just beyond the stand. Readjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder, I walked towards the table quickly, slipping a shirt off and easily stuffing it in the satchel before anyone had realized something happened. Without as much as a second thought, I continued walking, deciding to just go "home". After all, I had what I needed for the day.

It was just before sunset when I got back to the abandoned warehouse and slipped through the hole in the wire gate. The warehouse itself had been my shelter for a while, almost a record week and a half. Shoving open the heavy metal door, I nearly tripped onto the broken glass I had scattered across the floor. Although it was unlikely to really deter anything, it made a sound just loud enough for me to hear. Muttering to myself and slipping inside, I wrenched the door closed, then crossed the empty floor to a flight of stairs on the back wall. Slipping my bag off my shoulder, I stomped up the stairs and opened the door to what used to be an office. Inside was warm during the cool autumn nights, but not so much so that it overheated during the day. I set my bag on a relatively unscathed desk pushed against the right wall, then prepared for the night; lighting the small stove in the corner, setting up a blanket to sleep on, jamming a wedge under the door to keep it from being opened easily, and pulling off my boots. Pulling a few food items out of my bag, I was careful to eat only a little and put the rest in one of the drawers of the desk. By now, the sun had dipped completely below the horizon. Sighing, I stoked up the stove one last time before lying down and falling asleep.

I was woken suddenly by a crunching sound. Swearing heavily in my mind, I slowly reached for the blade tucked in my sock, freezing when I heard another crunch. Slowly, so the floor wouldn't creak, I made my way over to the door and pressed myself against the wall the door was on. The stairs squeaked as whoever it was ascended them. Then everything went silent. I kept still, gripping the knife so tightly, my hand was starting to ache. With a resounding bang, the door was flung open; waiting for the figure to enter and realize I was not immediately visible, I lunged at them.

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