Chapter 66- Charlotte

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Startled out of the daymare I was having about the events that just occurred, it took me a moment to register that it was only Gil who touched me, and only another second to figure out what he was asking. I must have looked worried. I was worried. No, scared was the proper term. The idea to lie to him was overwhelming, he had a lot on his mind already with Rahne, the demons, and Celaena, but I didn't have the strength. Plus, he'd know.

"No." I answered simply, staring at his bloodied shirt. Before he could say anything, I continued. "The...the demons grabbed me and started threatening me...but you guys had it worse. I shouldn't complain."

"What did they tell you?"

"They said they were going to put me in as much pain as Simile and Metaphor were before they died." I swallowed, picking at the dirt and blood underneath my nail. "And that when I die I'll have to meet them there and since they never released me from the deal, my spirit will be bound to them. I'd be back in their control."

"Deals end with death. Simile and Metaphor might try to trick you, but you won't have to abide to them." Gil reassured, his stance shifting. I didn't make eye contact, still brooding. At least I wouldn't have to follow them once I died. If they were the ones to kill me though...

"Is there any way I can help now? I wasn't very useful during the fight, sorry."

"It wasn't your fault, Celaena had your weapons."

"I froze. And that devil got to me. I could have killed you guys." As I told Gil this, Connall walked back in, ice taped to his left shoulder. He must have gotten hit hard.

"Would you like us to teach you how to resist devils and other creatures?" Gil offered, sitting down across from me and next to Rahne. He placed a hand on her forehead, frowning.

"Yes, please." I answered quickly. Letting this offer go could end up killing me, or them.

"We'll start tomorrow." Gil stated. "Do you still have medicine in the backpack?" I nodded, opening the backpack that somehow stayed on me the entire time and fished out the medicine, handing it to Gil who then gave some to Rahne. He chatted quietly with her, asking how she felt in certain areas. Her answers were even quieter than his, but it was still something. At least she was alive.

Gil stood up and left the room abruptly, leaving to the kitchen Connall had gotten his ice pack from. The three of us left sat in silence, all of us on edge.

Finally I broke the silence, asking softly despite thinking it was a bad idea. "What happened, Rahne?"

She scowled in response, not quite meeting my eyes. I didn't push the topic anymore. If I thought Simile and Metaphor had been bad, Jezebeth and Doirich had to be at least 10 times worse. Especially if they didn't necessarily care if Rahne was killed or not.

"Let me know if you need anything." I told her instead, cringing at how cheesy my words sounded, and how they sounded similar to what Gil had told me in the last house we were at. Many of the adults in my life had told me the same thing, but I never took them up on the offer before. Rahne just nodded in response, as expected.

"Pass me the remote, girl." Connall grunted, looking at me. I glanced around and handed him the remote. He turned on the television, drowning out the silence with the report on the news about an increase in violent murders. Intent on finding a bed before the others, I walked around the base, heading in the direction Celaena had gone.

The first room was a closet, the other one lead to the basement. Opening the third door, I paused for a moment. Celaena had laid waste to the bedroom: the three pillows were scattered about the room, a lamp and its bulb was shattered across the floor, and drawers were pulled out of the dresser and dumped haphazardly on the other side of the room and over the bed. The assassin sat on the opposite side of the bed, clenching and unclenching her fists.

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