Chapter 7- Rahne

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I ran down the street, nearly exhausted, but had to keep going. A demon, a freaking demon; could this get any worse? I took another quick turn into an alleyway, stopping only briefly to catch my breath. A spot of blood appeared on my shirt. Frowning, I felt around my face until a zing of pain on my temple told me where I was bleeding from. Sh8t. I shouldn’t have asked how this could get worse. Forcing myself to run again, I took a few more turns, hoping to at least buy myself a few more minutes. If I was lucky, I would just be killed; however, demons are rarely that benevolent. I slid to a stop in front of a dead end, cursing heavily. This was not my night. After stabbing the thing, I had only enough time to grab my kit and run; however, it was just an iron knife, and didn't really do anything to stop the rather angry demon from pursuing. Well, to be fair, I would have been cranky after sneaking up on someone only to be stabbed as well. After looking around, I finally saw a door, and had the sense to kick it open. No alarms went off and nobody appeared, so I took that as a good sign to start off with. Thinking quickly, I grabbed the first thing I could, which happened to be a handful of ash from a nearby fireplace, and began drawing as quickly as I could on the floor just beneath the door. Circle, then a star, then marks there and there... It was lucky I remembered what the trap looked like. That finished, I carefully put the rug back over the floor. I rubbed the ash off my hands on the carpet, thinking the owners would hardly notice after the demon had broken the trap, then ran through the house to the front door and waited. Obviously, running back out was a bad idea until I knew for certain the trap had worked and I had a few extra minutes.

It seemed like the only thing that had gone right, that night, as the demon fell for it. Allowing myself time only to smile, I opened the door and ran out. I had a tiny bit of time, but that was all I needed. There was a church not extremely far from the warehouse I had camped in; I made it a point to know exactly where the nearest one was, wherever I happened to be. After all, if I did have the misfortune to come across a demon, as I had tonight, the church would keep them from using their tricks, at the very least. Sometimes they weren't able to even set foot on the grounds, which was an added bonus. I slowed to a walk just before the entrance of the church, wondering if the doors were even open. If not, sitting outside was usually enough to deter anything, but it was more comforting to be in the santuary itself. Thankfully, the doors were unlocked, although the interior was dark and quiet. The vaulted ceilings echoed every sound the door made, though I tried my best to close it quietly. Moonlight shone in through the stained glass, illuminating the pews and altar in a pale glow, making the place seem unearthly in its own right. Relaxing fully for the first time in a long while, I sat down in one of the pews and gave into sleep.

A voice startled me back to consciousness, sending my fingers flying for my bag and subsequently knife. The man backed up, slightly startled by my reaction. "Who're you?" I asked, thankful I hadn't pulled out the blade just yet.

"I was just about to ask you the same question, I am the pastor here," he relaxed significantly in those few words. "It's not often I find someone sleeping in the sanctuary." He smiled. I regarded him carefully.

"I didn't know there was a law against it."

"There isn't, that's why the doors are unlocked. Are you here all alone?"

''Well, I certainly hoped so.'' "Yes." I glanced at the windows, making sure that it was in fact daylight, and this wasn't some sort of trick.

"Alright, do you need help?"

Probably, but not the kind you could cure. "No, I was just looking for somewhere quiet and fell asleep." I flashed a smile, hoping that it was an actual smile and not a grimace. He nodded, smiling back.

"Okay, well, if you do need anything, I'll be in the office."

"Thank you." I pretended to be very interested in the bible sitting in front of me, waiting for him to disappear through a door next to the altar before letting out a sigh of relief. Looking back at the windows, I judged it to still be fairly early in the morning, which was perfect; most goblins slept in late, while nocturnal things would be getting ready to sleep. Either way, it was the best time of the day to move. Putting my knife back into my boot, I slung my kit over my shoulder and walked out of the church. The only question was, though, where to go from there.

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