Chapter 49 - Rahne

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Despite being completely sick to my stomach, I managed to run fast enough to keep up with the others. Still, I was almost the last one in the group. Things were being shot at us, although I wasn't quite sure what they were; I could almost feel them as they fell around us, like burning blobs of fire screaming through the air. As we reached the forest, I instinctively grabbed Kairys and drew her out of the way just as one such object was about to fall on her.

Once behind the treeline, Celaena quickly turned, throwing her good arm up in a defensive way as the ground tremored. The sun was partially blotted out as I could see from the corner of my eye a large wall of rock keeping the blobs from hitting us, as well as slow pursuers. Clutching my stomach, which was now aching furiously, I focused on breathing as we continued to run, trying to not trip on anything. Gil slowed, which resulted in the entire group slowing to a stop. Everyone was panting slightly aside from Charlie, who looked as though she had just run a marathon.

"Rahne, are you alright?" he asked me, somewhat concerned. I nodded.

"I'm fine." Wincing slightly as I accidentally pressed too hard on my stomach, I focused on something else. I was fine, there was nothing debilitating about my injuries. Although seeming as though he wasn't entirely convinced, Gil  thankfully didn't press the issue any further. Glancing around, I was almost immediately aware of the sudden shift the forest seemed to take from normal to menacing. Although I wasn't sure if any of the others actually noticed, I did see some of them were looking around as though trying to find something.

Eyeing our group, Gil seemed to pick out a direction. "Follow me." He said simply, walking off in that direction while seeming to not care whether the rest of the group was following or not. Frankly, I didn't care either, following him. Behind us, I could hear rustling as the other three trailed along, Celaena muttering under her breath. Ignoring her, I focused on keeping my guard up. I didn't like being here the first time and did not like being here again. Ellond didn't seem to like me that much either.

"Where are we going?" Celaena whined. "Can we go to Onellon, I know this trader who sells amazing weapons-"

"We're not going to Onellon," Gil glanced at her, eyes narrowed slightly. "We're going to hide out somewhere, and then decide where to go from there."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Celaena roll her eyes and groan. "I'm tired. Are we there yet?"


"My arm hurts..."

"You're swinging it too much."

"I want to go back to my tree..."

"Then go back, nobody's stopping you." That shut her up for a moment, before she started up again. Bristling, I tried my best to ignore her.

"How much further?"

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SHUT UP," Charlie nearly screamed, startling what I assumed were birds from the trees. Well, I hoped they were birds anyway...


"Watch me: SHUT UP!"

"GO BACK TO YOUR DEMONS LIKE THE GOOD LITTLE POWERLESS GIRL YOU ARE!" Charlie didn't respond, lunging at Celaena who easily moved out of the way.

"Both of you, stop," Gil said somewhat forcefully, pausing when the forest suddenly went silent. The two complied, still shooting murderous looks at each other, but staying as quiet as the forest.

For what seemed like an hour, although I was sure it was only a few minutes, nothing happened. Gil's eyes flicked from side to side and he tensed, slowly reaching for his knife. Celaena seemed to take the hint, drawing her blade, while Charlie did the same with her gun.

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