Chapter 53 - Rahne

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My head was spinning. As if it weren't unbearable enough being back in the tree itself, there was now an assassin tied up on a chair next to the still overturned table. Yet another thing trying to kill us. I couldn't help but wonder if at some point one of them would actually succeed, something which threatened to push me back into another frenzy; somehow, I just barely managed to shove down that near-overwhelming amount of stress.

Someone shoved the table back upright, startling me out of my thoughts. "Who are you?" Gil said, leaning heavily on the table he had just moved.

"My name is Naxlyn Turaz," the assassin smirked.

"Who hired you?" Gil raised an eyebrow, which surprisingly seemed to confuse Naxlyn.

"Don't you want to know why I'm here first?"

"Well, yeh broke into my house, darlin'," Connall growled, for some reason changing his accent slightly. "Not to mention the fact that yer armed to the teeth."

"And you mentioned our trainer..." Celaena joined us while holding a bloody rag tightly against her left shoulder. Shivering, I tried to ignore the intense feeling of blood-lust she gave off.

"It's fairly obvious you're an assassin, so my question remains... who hired you?"

I caught a hunted look deep behind Naxlyn's eyes before she smirked again. "Oh, I dunno, someone who wants you all dead would be my first guess." Resisting the urge to sigh, I wondered why that was always the answer.

Connall stepped over so he loomed over Naxlyn. "Well if you're not interested in tellin' then I suppose we'll just have to bury you alive," he smirked back. At this, Celaena actually smiled while Naxlyn grew extremely pale.

"No, please don't!"

"What was that? You don't want us to do that?"

Naxlyn was visibly shaking now, sweat beading on her forehead. "No! Please, I'll tell you anything, just don't bury me!"

"Well then, maybe you should answer Fannon's question, there..." Connall had a dark look the entire time, which left no doubt in my mind that he had no qualms about sticking her in a hole to suffocate. Though he had stayed silent, it seemed Gil would have stopped him if she hadn't cracked.

"Nathye Aradyn hired me," she said, panicked.

"WHAT?!" Celaena stormed over, stopping and giving Gil a look equal to the one he was giving her. Despite that, she didn't advance any further.

"Why did he hire you? Does he know who we are?" Gil asked calmly, only a hint of a dangerous tone to his voice.

"I don't know; he never said and I never asked."

Curses I did and didn't know fell from Celaena's lips like ice. "I am going to kill him!" At that, Connall's face darkened even more, while Gil narrowed his eyes.

"Please," Naxlyn seemed to be playing the emotion of the situation. "I don't know anything else, let me go!"

Connall gave a harsh laugh. "Sorry darling, but we're not that stupid."

"Can I bury her anyway?" Celaena cut in, a devilish look behind her severe expression.

"No." Gil once again cut off Connall. Blinking, I tried to focus more on the conversation than the tugging sensation at the back of my mind. I shifted uncomfortably, feeling as out of place as Charlie appeared to feel.

"Then what do you suppose we do with her, Fannon? We can't just set her free like a butterfly, she's an assassin." Connall earned a nasty look from Celaena.

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