Chapter 11- Seraphina

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I almost let out a growl. What the hell were the faerie council members thinking? Letting an assassin help me guard some seals? Were they insane?

I turned a bit and caught sight of Celaena. She looked a bit relieved, probably because the council hadn't decided to kill her after all. I didn't know what to feel about that. I didn't exactly know Celaena, although I had the feeling she'd done some work for many of the council members.

I turned my attention back to the other faeries and saw that Menoroth was staring at me. I chill went down my spine. What was he thinking about? His eyes looked both fiery and dark at the same time. It looked almost as if he was hungry for death, possibly MY death.

I caught my father's eye. He looked worried, and I didn't blame him. It wasn't every day that there was an emergency Faerie Council meeting, and it wasn't every day that his daughter was sent off on an assignment with an assassin. His eyes looked slightly red. Was he crying? No, Alaric Morgenstern was not the crying sort. He would only wish me luck and hope for the best.

I turned to Menoroth. "What seals am I assigned to?" I asked.

Menoroth, turning his back on all other faeries and staring at me, said, "You're assigned to a seal anchored in Mundanus, and a few other seals here in Ellond."

It made sense. I was raised in Mundanus, and was familiar on how everything worked in the mortal world.

"Will I be going with just Celaena?" I asked. It was a bit suicidal, with just two faeries. Seals attracted demons of all kinds. I couldn't battle all of them alone, even with a skilled assassin on my side.

Menoroth smiled a bit. "You're also going to have a team of faerie warriors with you, don't you worry," he replied, trying to sound reassuring. But you can't exactly be reassuring when sending faeries off to their deaths.

I refused to think about death. What other things could I focus on? Ah, the faeries on my team. I wondered if I would get to pick out the faeries myself, although I doubted it. Menoroth knew that I would choose the best of the best faerie warriors, leaving the Forest of Treymond without defenses. Menoroth would most likely pick out the faeries himself. I glared at Menoroth, hoping that he knew that he'd better choose the right faeries, or I'd hire Celaena to murder him.

Celaena turns to me and says, "Since we're going to be partners, I suppose we should get better acquainted."

I almost screamed, but instead, I put a wicked grin on my face and said, "Yes, we should. I think you already know who exactly I am, Celaena Graceling."

She nods. "Vice versa?" she asked.

I nodded back. I knew exactly who Celaena Graceling was, with all of her tricks, games, and lies.

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