Chapter 12- Rahne

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"F8CK," he staggered back. "Rahne-"

I was running as fast as I could into the forest before he could finish the sentence. Although I had no idea where I was going, anywhere was better than being in close proximity with a possible murderer-stalker. "RAHNE." I nearly tripped over a tree root, panicking when I heard him chasing after me. "RAHNE, STOP."

Ignoring him, I jumped over a fallen tree, pushing hanging moss out of the way as I forced myself to run faster. Suddenly my foot caught a tree root, flinging me to the ground. I forced myself to get up, still slightly dazed, before nearly running into a tree. "Frick," I muttered, taking a large step around the offending plant-life and continuing my flight. Unnerved by the lack of sound behind me, I glanced back only to be tackled to the ground. I screamed, my fingers finding a rock and hitting him with it.

"OW." His hand grabbed my wrist, pinning it to the ground.

"LET GO OF ME," I tried to sound forceful, despite the fact that I was completely terrified.

"SHH. I will if you just listen to me, Rahne," he hissed, glancing around.

"How do you know my name, who are you?!" I lowered my voice, but not by much.

"Because I've been around long enough to know, girl; if you want to know who I am, you're gonna have to stop running. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

I stared, unable to decide. Could I trust him? He might still be a murderer, or something else like that; I had no intentions of dying because I trusted the wrong person.

"Rahne, if I had wanted you dead, I would have let the demon have you. A'ight?"

I nodded slowly. "Fine. Now get off me."

He didn't hesitate, sitting on a nearby rock and gently touching the bruise on the side of his face. "Gawfukitall... you're not getting your knife back anytime soon, y'hear?"


"I'm well aware," he grimaced. "Christ..."

"Who are you?"

"Toldja, my name's Gil. Short for Gilroy." He frowned. "We need to move."

"What, why-"

"Because, someone's coming and we both look like we just stepped out of Mundanus." He grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet and leading me back towards his motorcycle.

"But we did just step out of Mundanus..."

"And they won't be very friendly about it." It didn't take long to get back to the smallish clearing; Gil pulled a bag off his bike and rummaged through it, throwing a few things at me. "Go change behind a tree or something while I hide this," he motioned at the motorcycle. Frowning, I went behind what looked like a large banyan tree, finding a nice niche that seemed almost like a room with a thick curtain of moss acting as a door and a twisted network of roots acting as walls. In the dim light, I awkwardly fumbled around with the foreign clothes, somehow managing to put on the tunic, knee-high pants, and belt with no buckle.

Rolling up the clothes I had been wearing, I looked at my boots longingly before carrying them and my clothes out of the tree-room. Gil had already changed into what looked fairly similar to what I was currently wearing, with the addition of a woven band in place of the bandana he had been wearing. Quickly taking the ball of clothes from my hands, he put them along with his into a side compartment on the bike before pulling moss and tree branches over to hide the bike's frame. Watching, I glanced at the ground, testing the spongy moss beneath my feet. It was... very nice here, actually, despite the population mostly being comprised of prehistoric, nonhuman idiots. 

Gil was in the process of going through his bag when he looked up suddenly, standing and grabbing my hand. "Follow my lead," he muttered, pulling me aside. "And don't talk if you don't have to."

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